Railway•6mo ago

Crazy Egress Charges

i, I just received a strange usage alert for excessive network egress of 133gb These numbers just don't make any sense, the website is a simple application, one table - with <10 users (I think no more than 2) It handles 2500 rows in a database with some text in them - nothing to justify such high network usage. I have two other similar apps that don't show these numbers, all built using the same tools and same packages. It seems like something is wrong on your end - or that I need your help tracking down what's causing this issue - as it is not intended by me at all. I've tracked the network usage of the Node js service, and it shows crazy numbers at a perticular time - that is 10000X higher then ever in it's history - nothing in the observability logs to indicate any cause for this. Also - you have a bug in your UI where you show $ in the minutes accumulation 🙂 The account is a personal account in my name - Noam Honig, and I use GitHub sign in with the email. Please advise
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42 Replies
Percy•6mo ago
Project ID: b932a645-8fdb-4c05-b12f-dd4d8c72e164
noam.honig•6mo ago
Project id: b932a645-8fdb-4c05-b12f-dd4d8c72e164
noam.honig•6mo ago
More charts 🙂
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noam.honig•6mo ago
The normal usage should be more like 200kb
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Brody•6mo ago
okay thats super bizarre, but im curious, what does the view cost by service table say?
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noam.honig•6mo ago
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Brody•6mo ago
has egress usage subsided?
noam.honig•6mo ago
It spiked twice: Once in 12:05 and once earlier at 8:36 - both to 3606 gb inbound
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noam.honig•6mo ago
Looking 7 days back it's all calm:
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Brody•6mo ago
during these network spikes, are there any correlation with increased cpu / mem?
noam.honig•6mo ago
In the last 24 hours I see a few weird spikes - all i specific minutes- not ongoing and all crazy high number
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noam.honig•6mo ago
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noam.honig•6mo ago
Also the logs don't say anything: And really it's a website that serves one user
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Brody•6mo ago
this has to be a glitch with how railway is counting usage, can you also provide the service id?
noam.honig•6mo ago
Service ID:2b0728eb-85ac-4d81-9fb5-28938ac54339
Brody•6mo ago
and just to be thorough, are you communicating with the database via the private network? not that it could cause a 3.5tb+ network spike, given what you have told me about your app
noam.honig•6mo ago
I'm using the DATABASE_URL environment variable
noam.honig•6mo ago
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Brody•6mo ago
can you referance DATABASE_PRIVATE_URL instead?
noam.honig•6mo ago
Sure - but that's not it - here's the stats for the db: The entire database 2500 rows in one table
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Brody•6mo ago
oh i know, it has to be a glitch, but while we're here, might as well use the private url
Duchess•6mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Brody.
Brody•6mo ago
what would you say is the most data you send to postgres at a time?
noam.honig•6mo ago
Next to nothing - the entire postgres service, including postgres is 217mb Really - only two tables, one with short articles ~2500 rows, and another with 2 rows representing users.
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Brody•6mo ago
gotcha, we shall wait for the team to respond, in the mean time, if you see any more spikes let us know
noam.honig•6mo ago
Will do - thanks @Brody I think it's best if I don't change anything until the team looks at it - what do you say?
Brody•6mo ago
yeah thats probably a good idea
thomas•6mo ago
This is odd Do you think it's possible you were DDOSed? The lack of CPU makes that seem unlikely
Brody•6mo ago
yeah a ddos resulting in 3.6tb of network with zero bump in mem or cpu doesn’t really seem possible
noam.honig•6mo ago
I doubt it as it’s a site I built@for my cousin a week ago, it’s not published anywhere
thomas•6mo ago
Thanks for the context, I will raise this to the rest of the team. I bet nginx could do it haha
thomas•6mo ago
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thomas•6mo ago
So you have crazy high network ingress as well This doesn't seem to be us, I am not sure how this happened on your side, but publicly facing URLs are publically facing.
noam.honig•6mo ago
Hi @thomas I see these numbers, but they don't make any sense in the context of this crazy simple app - also as you can see from the cpu/memory/anything stats there is nothing to justify that network usage - also the communication between the db and the app - even if it is public, doesn'y justify these numbers. Also - checkout the graphs, it indicates two seperate one minute events with 3606GB in that minute - without any memory / cpu rise on my app - I'm not sure even your bandwith supports that much through put in one minute - something is strange
Brody•6mo ago
Thomas, I agree with noam, this is far too strange to be a ddos, two network spikes that spike to nearly the exact same usage, if Noam's app can do that without spikes in the cpu or memory then they deserve some kind of programming award
ThallesComH•6mo ago
fr how an application can respond 217gb of data without a spike of cpu/memory 💀
thomas•6mo ago
Caching? If you serve a static website, then you can reach efficiency levels like this. So some more members of the team chimed in overnight. - if you add a spending limit to the project we will credit you for this event. We still can't find any indication it was not a DDOS of some kind. I know it's weird and we will track it, but so far our egress/ingress tracking has stood up to testing. I really do see what you guys mean here, but someone checked it against the machine logs and the traffic over it's interfaces lines up perfectly with the spikes. That machine did serve that traffic, and something was sent, and more importantly, many things were received. We should be clear that while we are refunding you for this time, we won't be in the future. If you add a spending limit, if this happens again, you are covered. Many users use Cloudflair in front of railways to protect themselves from stuff like this.
noam.honig•6mo ago
Thanks for looking into this, and for refunding me. I still find it hard to believe that in two separate occasions there was oncoming traffic at precisely 3606 3607 go - it’s to consistent to be a chance. Is there any logs that you want me to add to this app so that we can isolate it if it happens again?
thomas•6mo ago
I haven't refunded you yet, please add a limit to your account first This will prevent this from happening again. As for logs, if you could show us logs that show that traffic does not increase during spikes like this then I would have something to go back to the team with.
noam.honig•6mo ago
@thomas checkout these logs - they show absolutely nothing on these times
noam.honig•6mo ago
Hi @thomas I've set limits here - is that the correct place?
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thomas•6mo ago
yes perfect I credited your account, they will go towards your next bill