How to get the count of relations?

const products = await db.query.masterProducts.findMany({
limit: pageSize,
offset: page * pageSize,
where: whereFilter
const products = await db.query.masterProducts.findMany({
limit: pageSize,
offset: page * pageSize,
where: whereFilter
I have another table inventoryItems and there is a one-to-many relationship where one masterProduct can have many inventoryItems and one inventoryItem is linked to one and only one masterProduct on the masterProductId field. How can I include a count of inventoryItems in this query? I just want a number of how many inventoryItems have the masterProductId field matching the id field for each row in the masterProducts query
17 Replies
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
Angelelz15mo ago
You can write a subquery that counts everything with the same where but no limit or offset. You can probably put that in the extras
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
As of now aggregations are not supported in extras, please use core queries for that.
@Angelelz given that, is there a better way to do this query than what i currently am doing?
await db
inventoryItemCount: count(,
masterProduct: masterProducts
.leftJoin(inventoryItems, eq(, inventoryItems.masterProductId))
await db
inventoryItemCount: count(,
masterProduct: masterProducts
.leftJoin(inventoryItems, eq(, inventoryItems.masterProductId))
or a way to flatten out the masterProduct and just add a separate field rather than having to have a nested masterProduct field
Angelelz15mo ago
Yeah, they say that, but you can put a subquery in there, the subquery can do whatever you want I think So, what you want is the masterProduct, with a count of how many inventoryItems it has?
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
yes having trouble piecing it together in an efficient way
Angelelz15mo ago
You got it, you're doing it right If you want it flatter you could do this:
await db
count: count(
.leftJoin(inventoryItems, eq(, inventoryItems.masterProductId))
await db
count: count(
.leftJoin(inventoryItems, eq(, inventoryItems.masterProductId))
I think that should be type safe Working from memory here
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
and what if i want to apply a filter to the inventory items? can i do that within the leftjoin
.leftJoin(inventoryItems, and(
eq(, inventoryItems.masterProductId),
eq(inventoryItems.someField, 'test'),
.leftJoin(inventoryItems, and(
eq(, inventoryItems.masterProductId),
eq(inventoryItems.someField, 'test'),
Angelelz15mo ago
I believe, the on clause accepts the same type of stuff that the where accepts, so yes Give it a try and let me know
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
and what if i wanted to add a new column: inventoryItems that would be a list of all the inventory items as well? the returned type is just a single item, not an array
inventoryItems: getTableColumns(inventoryItems) -> NOT returned as an array
inventoryItems: getTableColumns(inventoryItems) -> NOT returned as an array
Angelelz15mo ago
You'll hit a road block in that approach remember that for the count to work properly, you need to group by For what you want, you'll probably need to run the count as a window function Oh wait, you want the inventory items as an array?
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
yes as a separate point from count
Angelelz15mo ago
You might be able to use a json aggregate function, the same as count With the same group by, I guess that should work
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
yeah, sqlJSON_AGG(DISTINCT ${inventoryItems}) works
Angelelz15mo ago
Nice, I would only say that distinct is usually a performance killer, use it only if you really need it
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
without distinct its returning more rows than necessary same with the count query
Gary, el Pingüino Artefacto
are there any plans for managing this with relational queries? if it is possible of course
Angelelz14mo ago
[FEATURE]: Enhance with keyword to support fetching relation coun...
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