SpatieMediaLibraryUpload replace file in collection
. I am surprised this isnt documented, but I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to upload a new image and only have one image in that collection for that model record. Right now it just keeps adding new ones. Ive tried a few different options with ->saveRelationshipsUsing(), but couldnt get it to delete the other records first. Am i missing something simple? Do i need to create a special relationship on the resource model this form is part of?
4 Replies
Anyone? I’m sure I’m missing something simple here as it seems like a pretty standard need
Maybe you can create a new form which inherits SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload and override that method
i used
and in createProduct which is app/Filament/Resources/Shop/ProductResource/Pages/CreateProduct.php
protected function handleRecordCreation(array $data): Model
$productModel = parent::handleRecordCreation($data);
if (isset($data['media'])) {
$mediaPath = $data['media'];
if (is_array($mediaPath)) {
foreach ($mediaPath as $path) {
$productModel->addMediaFromDisk($path, 's3')->toMediaCollection('products');
return $productModel;
I think if you just declare your media collection correctly on the model as
it will be enough. See: media collections | laravel-medialibrary
Thanks! I will definitely try that out. Makes sense. I really appreciate it