Get current value of SelectConstraint

Hello, I want to do some filters in my table but I'm having trouble getting current value of my select. Here is my code:
Technology::pluck("name", "id")
name: 'competences',
titleAttribute: 'id',
modifyQueryUsing: fn (Builder $query, Forms\Get $get) => $query->where('technologie_id', $get("competences")),
Technology::pluck("name", "id")
name: 'competences',
titleAttribute: 'id',
modifyQueryUsing: fn (Builder $query, Forms\Get $get) => $query->where('technologie_id', $get("competences")),
My table competences has this fields: id, technologie_id, candidat_id, annee Thank you in advance for yours responses !
4 Replies
Moudjames23OP15mo ago
Hello ?
bernhard15mo ago
And what is the problem? Doesn't $get("competences")) contain the correct value?
Moudjames23OP15mo ago
Typed property Filament\Forms\Components\Component::$container must not be accessed before initialization
No I have this error
bernhard15mo ago
Ok. so $get isn't working on this function. Maybe you can't use relationship method here. Isn't it weird to use options and relationshipat the same time? I haven't used SelectConstraint yet, maybe you have to use the getSearchResultsUsing and getOptionLabelsUsing

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