What Chino colours should I go for? I love me chinos but dont want to go overboard!
Image should be self explanatory.
Chinos on the left I have already.
Chinos on the right, I'm thinking of buying 1 of each colour (maybe not no.2), but would I be greedy in buying both brown's and greys?
Personally I love 1, 4 and 6.
What do you guys think?

8 Replies
Honestly: what will these extra colors add to your wardrobe? It seems like they all have a similar fit and you’re already covered with light and dark chinos so I think you might be set with this type of pant 🙂

Yes I am also aware of this.
I'm quite knowledgeable with the Basic Bastard.
BUt this just lists 3 colours.
Which, to be fair, is all one needs.
But I'd like to pick out a few more lol.
Just nice versatility really with a few more options that arent just 2/3 pairs
IMO with 3 chinos, the jeans and a fatigue. That’s all I need
To me, it makes a lot more sense to buy stuff you really love and find exciting than more colors of the same thing you already have 3 colors of
If you really want some of these, the green is the most different
i like 1, 4, and 6 as well. im definitely in the minority here but when i find something that works for me, i tend to get the same pieces in multiple colors instead of constantly experimenting. not very adventurous, i know, but it works for me and im happy with it
I recommend ivory, olive, brown/earth.
in terms of colour i like 1 or 3 - if i had to pick one then definitely the olive