mfad16mo ago

Auction sniping

Do you use auction snipers for ebay? If so, which one?
10 Replies
raisinpie16mo ago
isn't ebays bid system basically already set up for sniping?
SeveredWyre16mo ago
Yeah i thought it was too lol
raisinpie16mo ago
like if you put in a high max bid you'll automatically win as long as no one placed a higher max bid so if you put the max youre comfortable paying you'll always win
ghostdogOP16mo ago
Honestly idk, never done any bids on ebay, only used the buy now option Oh okay, great, thanks
raisinpie16mo ago
Automatic bidding
Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an eBay auction. Simply enter the highest price you’re willing to pay for an item, and we'll do the rest.
WieDelphine16mo ago
I use gixen
jplicks16mo ago
Agreed gixen is the one, been using it for years. The advantage of sniping over just entering your max bid on eBay up front is that you don’t reveal it to other bidders, which can drive up the price.
gimp16mo ago
Yeah, the way ebay works is basically already set up for sniping, except if you bid early, the price goes up earlier. The earlier the price goes up, the longer people have to respond to it. Like let's say there's a cool pair of boots starting at $9.99 and you immediately drop a $100 bid. If someone else puts in $50 it'll immediately go to $52.50. Then they go "hmmmm actually I can pay more" and they bid it up, maybe 60, 70, maybe 100, maybe even more than you put in. Plus multiple people might do this. If everyone bids at the last minute, people who know how ebay works throw in a "maximum I think I want to pay" bid, but then most of them don't have time to respond and increase that number last second. So a lot of people will be a little butthurt that it went for only $8 or whatever more than they bid, wishing they bid more. If they had time, it would have sold for more, meaning you would have either not got it or paid more money. That said, for anything I am not absolutely utterly stoked on and thinking about all week, I throw in a bid in the last day or two of whatever I want to pay, and if I get it then great, if not who cares. I only babysit things I am really really wanting, which of course often causes me to pay way more than I originally intended, but ........... Auto bidders just spare you the emotions and time. Also, note that many people don't actually know how ebay works and will continually try to bid just a few dollars more in the last few seconds; if you bid earlier they would have had time to bid it up way higher, even ignoring the emotional aspect of auctions. But with all that said I don't use any auto-bidders because fuck it
jplicks16mo ago
This is much more clear and cogent explanation of what I was trying to say haha
LeisurelyLoafing16mo ago
I feel like this always results in over paying. I usually submit my max bid with 10 seconds left. Good old fashioned sniping

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