Suit length fit check
Picked up this vintage flannel suit. Love the material and that it can be broken up. The sleeves need to be let out, clearly, but is the body length enough? According to the measurements it's about an inch shy of my ideal, but hopefully it's still passable?

20 Replies
I agree, an inch longer would be better, but totally passable. I doubt anyone will notice other than the menswear nitpickers on MFA.
When I'm one of those menswear nitpickers on mfa it hurts a little 🥲 but I love the suit otherwise so I think it's a keep
Especially if there is enough material to let out in the sleeves and legs.
You must have to pass up a lot of finds for that.
Yeah there's a solid 2" in the arm cuffs and 3" in the inseam (not that I need more than an inch or so) to let out
The jacket completely covers the seat of the trousers, so it’s ok in my book
I hope letting the cuffs out completely works out for you. If that does the job, or close enough to it (nobody said 1/4" of shirt cuff showing was any sort of hard and fast rule), the rest is doable. I mean an extra inch would be better but a lot of people have said that over the history of humanity and been fine regardless
Where did you pick this up? I know it’s vintage but I’d kill for something similar, it’s actually quite nice and would like to see it post alterations too
Yeah, the fabric looks great. Looking at the photo makes me want to touch it.
Same. I’m only scratching the surface on tailoring but it’s been tough to find anything in my budget
eBay! Seller was alexlincolnwaterston. It's a really nice taupe colored flannel, and I've had my eye out for a casual suit for a while - one that I can break up into separates
Thank you 🙂 looks great
Would love the same
Perfect example of a solid color that can be both suit and jacket, without requiring casualizing elements like patch pockets, big open weave hopsack, brass buttons, etc. :)
What is your budget? There are good deals on eBay, particularly for tweed blazers.
That looks like a lot to let out in the sleeve. Hopefully it works? I agree it will likely be a bit too short but workable. Really depends on how nit picky you are
If there's not enough to let out in the sleeve maybe it'll find a new home on mfad 

I’d pay up to 300 for a vintage suit if fits the criteria haha. Been searching eBay for ~42L
Not a lot for a suit, I know
Thanks 🙂
Gsh fashion game so strong his question becomes an answer 🤯