Terms of Service: Only non-commercial use allowed?

Hello all! The terms of Service (https://railway.app/legal/terms) says under 4. What are the basics of using Railway? "You will only use the Services for your own internal, personal, non-commercial use, and not on behalf of or for the benefit of any third party, and only in a manner that complies with all laws that apply to you." Does that mean i can host here only hobby projects and nothing business (commercial) related? Thank you for your time.
Terms of Service
Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
You can use the Services for your own internal, personal, and/or business use
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40 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Obstkompost10mo ago
Luke10mo ago
^^^ Bump
Adam10mo ago
Yes, those TOS apply to users on the hobby plan. Users on the Pro plan are able to use Railway for commercial purposes
Obstkompost10mo ago
Thank you for the Response! How do I know that the TOS only applies to the Hobby Plan? I couldn't find the restriction on the Hobby plan. And then where is the TOS for the Pro plan then?
Adam10mo ago
Im not sure, i’ll tag in the team on this one. Those are the restrictions on hobby vs pro plan though.
Duchess10mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Adam.
The Big E in Math -> Σ
Now that hobby plan "no longer" offers free credits, is there any reason for non-commercial usage?
jeremy10mo ago
These terms are from 2021. Hobby and Pro plans didn’t exist at that time. Not sure if your statement is valid then. Unless it was already the case for Starter vs Team plans, if that was the plans back in 2021
Adam10mo ago
Yeah looks like the TOS hasn’t updated. The team has their reasons for not allowing commercial usage on the hobby plan. The cost of commercial rights on any platform is generally higher than the cost of “hobby” usage
pandas10mo ago
Lol good find Can we get some feedback on this? "You will only use the Services for your own internal, personal, non-commercial use, and not on behalf of or for the benefit of any third party, and only in a manner that complies with all laws that apply to you." That means third party aka client you cannot recommend railway services or use it on behalf of your client? And you can only use it for personal non commerical use? As stated in terms of service?
The Big E in Math -> Σ
Oh, For pricing, I generally find Railway expensive. I assume the team plan allows it, which is only $35-40/month more. I'm currently renting a 1 core + 2GB of RAM, and that only cost me $6/month. If I were to max out similar specs on railway, that would be up to $40. ofc, the price is justified with the service its provided, but still, I wouldn't really say it's "cheap". My interpretation is that you can only run services for your own purpose (i.e. def not for your client) while not making any profit off of it.
pandas10mo ago
That's shared metal machine? No auto scaling, auto sleeping or any similar stuff?
The Big E in Math -> Σ
Correct, ~$6 flat monthly cost VPS with 40 GB of storage and no ingress/egress limit. Technically I'm paying ~$4 since I signed up with long-term contract + holiday discount, but that would be the base cost.
pandas10mo ago
That's pretty decent although GCP does give you $300 credit and their cloud run service has app sleeping you can also limit how much an app can scale So trying same thing on railway to see how much app sleeping improves the cost over renting shared machine With app sleeping cost is basically non existant imo
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