Adding a panel
I duplicated the BrushesPanel prefab and added it to the panel manager, but it does not instantiate when I go into play mode
8 Replies
Are you following the guide in the developer notes?
Yes I'm going through the documentation and I used a panel that's already in the Prefabs/Panels folder called the TestingPanel and I've added it to the PanelManager.PanelMap as element 40 but it is recognized as Stencil Settings and from what I understand in the documentation that it doesn't seem to matter. Right now it does instantiate when I click play, but I get the following error:
Edit: I used another panel prefab and got it to work! (No idea why)...I'm going to try adding a dropdown next. My guess is TextMeshPro won't work...
Sorry - was travelling. Glad you got it working.
re: Dropdown - Never tried using regular Unity UI components. Open Brush has it's own UI system so I've always stuck to that.
The Open Brush equivalent to a dropdown is a popup. If you want to be consistent with the rest of the UI, why not use that?
I've done fairly extensive UI stuff with popups, text buttons and tabs in the 3D Shapes branch:
Thanks your insight is priceless! Does scrolling work in popups ...i've got 50 options to select from (^-^)
No but @Seethrough implemented scrolling for his animation panel
It would be lovely to get that implemented in a way anyone could reuse
yeah it's definetly needed
would be good if we could figuired out a way to make it continous too instead of item by item