Form Wizard and Dynamic Fill?
why does something simple like this on a required() logic create
Typed property Filament\Forms\Components\Component::$container must not be accessed before initialization
? I even get this error when I am on step 1 of the wizard and this field is in step 27 Replies
Anyone have any suggestions?
I wonder if using assigning data using $this->data for some of the wizard steps is causing issues with $get giving this error. IM doing after the first step of the wizrd to dynamically fill the rest of the data for the other steps. Then at the end of that filleForm(), im doing
does it make any differences when you comment out this part
@awsqed no difference
found out its a bug with the tablerepeater. got it solved. woo hoo
how did you solve it? im having the same issue 😧
@veronica17(ale) im locked into an older verison of table repeater, so i had to create my own tablerepeater class an extend it with the change. I changed line 86 to
foreach ($this->getChildComponentContainer()->getComponents() as $field)
in the getHeaders() method. Again, this is specific to the tablerepeater package. Not sure if adam already has it fixed in a newer versionthanks im using plugin and im not sure where the bug is
@veronica17(ale) oh, i only use awcodes
@veronica17(ale) i would only recommend Should be a fairly painless swap for you