Multiple instances of same form with different records?
I have a custom page within a panel. I want to compare two records from the resource that has a decent amount of form fields. I have two selects to pick the records, but not having any luck trying to figure out the best way to reuse that existing resource fields. While i would prefer a auto infolist, i think i will just have to settle for disable form fields. Any suggestions for doing this in general? I feel like it was a little easier to do with v2
6 Replies
You can just place the form schema into a static call then call that schema in each form?
@toeknee but its all one form
and i would somehow have to fill those dynamically. so if the field names are the same and that would pose a problem. I
So do one form which is a repeater? And a repeater takes up 2 columns? Or statepath set the form twice? I.e. static it and use a group with a state path and the path being each part of the compare
Not if you use a state path
hmm, you can do a statepath just for a repeater?
You can do statePath for any field.
You could also setup multiple forms in the same page, then there wouldn’t be a naming conflict on the fields.