Railway template think Github url is a docker image
Hi im trying to make a new railway template of https://github.com/BerriAI/litellm, it thinks this is a Docker image
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your question doesn't make all that much sense
I am trying to make a railway template by passing it my github url
when i make the template Railway thinks its a docker image and not a github repo
so the template does not get created correctly
Make sense @Brody ?
okay now you make sense
will get the team involved monday
ahh no chance of anything before that ?
the team doesn't work on the weekend, sorry
@Brody can you ask the team about this today ?
#🛂|readme - no tagging the team like this
I'd love to help, but our team is currently in meetings
no worries - seems like this is not a priority for your team, will try using cloud run or render in this case
the passive aggressive nature of that comment is not appreciated, the team will get to this and this will be fixed, they are just very busy with their monday meetings is all
Tone issues aside, I do want to see if there is a legit bug here or if it's an issue with how the service is communicated within the Template composer.
@Ishaan - liteLLM - do you have a link to a example project hosted on Railway?
here's an example project: https://railway.app/project/b2a04985-4146-45ea-9aef-cf8dd6c313c1
Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
When you open the Project Settings button on the Project, do you see "Generate Template from Project"?
What happens when you click that button?
it makes a template - but from what i can tell it thinks it's a docker hub image
Confirmed bug- sweet, thanks for catching it. Deploying it gives me:
PRO-1324 - Creating Template from Project with GitHub Service attempts to deploy Docker Image
Within the Project Settings -> Template composer flow, new templates created after the release of the Docker Hub image deploy flow will attempt to deploy a docker hub image instead of the linked GH service.
Raised this internally, can I get a temp. check on if this blocks your efforts, is there any marketing campaigns or release that LiteLLM is running soon so we can help prioritize this?
it's a p0 for us - we're announcing a launch today (and have been blocked since Saturday for the deploy to railway)
we use railway and would love if we could get it working for railway too
I can understand the frustration 😢
I am sorry that we let you down here, lemme tag in @Melissa who works on Templates day to day
ideally we can add the deploy to railway to our Readme
thank you, I appreciate the help @Angelo
We have an engineer looking at this now.
@Ishaan - liteLLM - fix should be deployed, try now?
You don't have to recreate the template.
it recognizes it as a github project now, when i try deploying the template it says "there are no deploys for this project"
Deploy openai-proxy on Railway
OpenAI Proxy (100+ LLMs) - OpenAI, Azure, Bedrock, Anthropic, HuggingFace
here's what i see after trying to deploy this template
iirc - railway deploys the service through the template right ?
Seems like the deploy webhook isn't firing, can you recreate the template?
Seems like we forgot to reregister, sorry about that.
should i re create the template ?
Yep- I wanna see if its a separate bug :\
Sorry about that
i tried it with a new template and got the same error
Can you give me a link to the project? The url should be fine, wanna see if the event is firing off or not.
here's the new one: https://railway.app/template/DKEFNu?referralCode=t3ukrU
Deploy litellm-test3 on Railway
Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
Got it
Okay second fix been deployed @Ishaan - liteLLM - let us know if you see the fix
just tried re deploying the service and saw the same error:
will try making a new template and see what happens
same problem with a new template too
thanks Ishaan, we can see the issue still occurring. i'm talking to our eng team now
just wanted to give you an update on this - it seems that we're not receiving a webhook from GitHub after creating the new repository. I have been able to create a "fresh" repository (deleting .git and then running git init) and link it to a template which works as expected. we're still digging in to find an actual solution, and I will keep you posted.
fwiw, the webhooks are working when a change is merged into main
thanks for the update - appreciate it
one more update today - it looks to be an issue with a timeout on our side, and we have a plan to move forward. engineering will be working to implement a fix in the morning. so sorry for the headache, but we'll hopefully have this smoothed over tomorrow.
sounds good thanks
any update on this @halem5 ?
please do not ping the team #🛂|readme #5
Will allow it this once.
We just deployed a fix to staging, apparently other templates were having this issue.
my mistake sorry, our users are now telling us railway deploys don't work so wanted to check in
Yep- a fire we are actively putting out
thanks for the help
Should be live in prod come tomorrow.
Sorry about that, you can offer my head to your customers as tribute.
and sorry for pinging - I'm just learning the rules of this discord
All good! It's just that pings affect people who are likely off work.
Rest is important so that they can come back 100 percent.
As for me, 24/5 baby (+ on-call)