Filamentβ€’17mo ago

Tabs with different content

Hello, I'm new to Filament and I'm stuck with organizing resources. I hope someone can point me into right direction. I have Company which has Users and Projects. I want to have one page that will have three tabs: - 1st tab will display company details, address, etc. - 2nd tab will display all users - 3rd tab will display all projects I created CompanyResource with following relations: public static function getRelations(): array { return [ ProjectsRelationManager::class, UsersRelationManager::class, ]; } This works as expected - I get two tabs displaying tables. How can I add 1st tab which will display company details? Am I on the right path when doing it with relations? Can relation point to infolist instead of table? Or should I work with tab some other way?
10 Replies
Thijmenβ€’17mo ago
You could also make a custom page and add all the livewire components of the tables there. That way you could easily add three tables to the same page
cakanOPβ€’17mo ago
How would I do that? I tried making a custom page for it but without success 😦
Thijmenβ€’17mo ago
Make a filament page With a custom view
Thijmenβ€’17mo ago
Then use this to add tables to a view
cakanOPβ€’17mo ago
I've tried making custom component with a table. It displays a table and everything looks ok but actions are not working - it doesn't use form from the resource. Am I missing something? I would like to avoid duplicating forms.
lazydogβ€’17mo ago
Please provide some codes
cakanOPβ€’17mo ago
I've managed to make it work. I re-did everything again from the scratch and actions are working this time. I don't see any difference in current and previous solution. Code is the same, it's just magically works πŸ™‚ This is the working code. I have custom component Company: class CompanyProperties extends Entry { protected string $view = 'filament.admin.pages.company-projects'; } with a blade: <x-filament::section> @livewire('list-projects') </x-filament::section> And a livewire component: class ListProperties extends Component implements HasForms, HasTable { use InteractsWithTable; use InteractsWithForms; public function render() { return view('livewire.list-projects'); } public function table(Table $table): Table { return ProjectResource::table($table) ->query(ProjectResource::getEloquentQuery()) ->actions([ EditAction::make()->form(getProjectSchema()), ]); } with a following blade: <div> {{ $this->table }} </div> Then, in my infolist that display the tabs I added this tab: Tabs\Tab::make("Projects")->schema([ Pages\CompanyProjects::make('projects') ]),
lazydogβ€’17mo ago
Looks good! So weird that it did not work in your v1. Sometimes, re-do or restart is the only way to solve a problem πŸ™‚
cakanOPβ€’17mo ago
Yeah, magic behing it must have got confused πŸ™‚ Now to figure out how to slect only projects for selected company πŸ˜›

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