Novu2y ago

Novu on Grafana

Is there any way to scrape the metrics of novu on grafana for monitoring of novu?
32 Replies
Novu_Bot2y ago
@Jahnavi, you just advanced to level 1!
Todd H.
Todd H.2y ago
I am interested in that as well. Thanks.
JahnaviOP2y ago
Please let me know if you do any progress
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
@Jahnavi We currently don't have this feature and I see we are not planning this in upcoming cycle. Would you like to share why you want to monitor Novu? Are you self hosting the Novu?
JahnaviOP2y ago
Getting all the metrics on grafana of whatever different sites we are using.we are hosting novu on kubernetes
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Thanks for sharing the usecase @Jahnavi Currently, we don't have and we are not planning Grafana native integration in community self host option. If you are self hosting Novu in kubernetes based environment, then you must be using Novu on large scale system. I would like to recommend you having a look on commercial self host option with advanced features and better support SLAs https://docs.novu.co/self-hosting-novu/commerical-self-host
JahnaviOP2y ago
@Zac Clifton I have seen you raising a pr https://github.com/novuhq/novu/pull/3000 on the same issue.Can you guide me through of what exactly you have done and why was the pr closed
feat(otel/analytics): Add Open-Telemetry and Promethus Montioring t...
What change does this PR introduce? This PR adds the initial commit of nestjs-otel to Novu's api, ws, and webhook containers. This system set up a prometheus metric server on 9464 on the path &...
JahnaviOP2y ago
@Pawan Jain can you take a look at the pr and tell me if there will be anything on that in your future works
Zac Clifton
Zac Clifton2y ago
Let me talk to the team internally on this, there are currently alot of factors that played into this decision (though I understand it may not seem this way). I would like to have this support in the community version however, as we have our values to be transparent to the community https://handbook.novu.co/, currently our thought is that this features would be enterprise only, however I (personally separate from the company) do not fully agree with this thought. As an architect, I have based many decisions on the fact that the system has support for the grafana stack. We currently only support new relic monitoring. So if you want to monitor Novu you would have to do it this way. Also I want to be empathic here as I understand that "If you are self hosting Novu in kubernetes based environment, then you must be using Novu on large scale system." is a generalization that is not always true. As you can run K8 for cost saving, burst scaling, etc especially if you have the knowledge on how to maintain and support it as a small company. Which means you do not run at large scale but do have infra set up to scale to that size. I would love to hear your thoughts on why you think we should support the grafana stack in the community version! This would also help me make the case as we would have interest from the community. Thank you very much for reaching out 🙏 and sharing your passion with us. I am happy to take ownership of this request in the mean time and have marked it as unresolved. I would like to ask that we have this discussion here so we can be open to the community about it.
JahnaviOP2y ago
First of all, a big thanks! I appreciate your prompt response and your efforts to facilitate internal communication regarding this matter. And about the thoughts on Grafana,it has robust data visualization capabilities that empowers users to create highly interactive and insightful dashboards. Coupled with its active and thriving open-source community, Grafana has emerged as the standard tool for monitoring. As we strive to enhance our monitoring dashboards effectively, our goal is to leverage Grafana to consolidate metrics from all applications, ensuring a professional and comprehensive approach to monitoring and visualization.
Zac Clifton
Zac Clifton2y ago
My pleasure! The community is what got us here and I want to make sure we serve you and the rest of the community responsibly with open arms and ears. What parts of the grafana stack do you use? loki, tempo, prometheus, mimir, Pyroscope, grafana, on-call? Do you use on-prem grafana stack or grafana cloud? What metrics would would want to see from Novu that are not covered in our activity feed?
JahnaviOP2y ago
In our grafana stack we have incorporated a combination of monitoring tools including loki,tempo and victoriametrics.Our entire stack is deployed on our on-premises infrastructure.Regarding the metrics not currently featured in the activity feed, we would appreciate the inclusion of data points such as server requests, server responses, CPU utilization, and client error counts etc.I will engage in discussions with my team to gain further insights and understanding on what more metrics we would need.Thanks
Zac Clifton
Zac Clifton2y ago
Thank you, this would be very helpful to see the full picture of what we could provide with prometheus support.
JahnaviOP2y ago
Yeah looking forward to it.Thanks 😁
Novu_Bot2y ago
@Jahnavi, you just advanced to level 2!
Zac Clifton
Zac Clifton2y ago
Last question, for you if we are good with moving forward on grafana support would you be willing to make a PR?
JahnaviOP2y ago
Yeah would love to! Do you have any documentation on the the new relic monitoring of novu?
Zac Clifton
Zac Clifton2y ago
Sort of, basically you would add :
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME:The New Relic app name
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: The New Relic license key
NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID: The New Relic account id
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME:The New Relic app name
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: The New Relic license key
NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID: The New Relic account id
to each container and new relic does the rest. This does set up custom new relic event for each queue which we have custom dashboards for to help monitor them Your welcome to start working on it if you want, however I am not able to have an internal descussion till next week.
JahnaviOP2y ago
Yeah do let me know when there is any progress.Keep me posted😀
Zac Clifton
Zac Clifton17mo ago
Still have not put out a request to discuss this week but put it on our biweekly tech meeting we will have next wednesday
aay17mo ago
Hi, I am stuck on issue that you might have solved Regarding kubernetes with ingress-nginx
Zac Clifton
Zac Clifton17mo ago
Deploy with Docker - Novu
Learn how to deploy Novu with Docker
aay17mo ago
Hi @Zac Clifton & @Jahnavi I have already been through this Mine is specifically related with kubernetes and ingress path
Zac Clifton
Zac Clifton17mo ago
Can you create a new support issue for this?
aay17mo ago
Sure For understanding purpose issue is If ingress-nginx is configured on dns entry Novu.domain.com And path /novuweb It routes to that address but the context_path properties doesn't match the request, it routes to / and gives 404 Example Novu.domain.com/env-config.js Whereas it should have been Novu.domain.com/novuweb/env-config.js
Novu_Bot17mo ago
@aay, you just advanced to level 1!
aay17mo ago
Hi @Jahnavi Are you available for discussion
JahnaviOP17mo ago
Hey I am available over the weekend we can discuss then
aay17mo ago
@Jahnavi can we do it today evening or night I am not available weekend and it is a little urgent
aay17mo ago
@Jahnavi Please schedule a meet time https://calendly.com/aayushave/novu-k8s
aay17mo ago
@Jahnavi Didn't heard back from you @otatopotato has a pr merged for this, but it isn't working for spring gateway, ingress nginx
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain16mo ago
Closing this post due to inactivity. Feel free to create a new post if you have any question or you are still facing issue

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