Painting on the inside of guides

Question/feature suggestion. Is there a way to "inverse" a set of guides? As it stands I want to use a sphere guide to paint a skybox, but I can only paint on the outside surface of the sphere. I also am unable to scale it past a certain point. (I'd like to scale it past the parallax point as show in this video to directly paint the skybox for a seperate scene.) Being able to paint on the inside of a sphere scaled to the size I would like would be super useful. As currently it appears I can only paint on the outside.
The Spatial Canvas
Creating Tilt Brush Skyboxes With Unity // Becoming a VR Artist Ep. 12
With the right workflow, TiltBrush can be an AMAZING skybox creation tool. You can paint ginormous VR backdrops with hyper detail, almost until your headset crashes, but then bake it all into a 360 image with Unity3d Free skyboxes for Unity: My Mountain Tilt Brush Sketch https:...
1 Reply
andybak•2y ago
You know - that's such a good suggestion that I'm surprised nobody has made it before (at least as far as I recall!). Would you mind adding it to ? It is more likely to get forgotten about if it's not added there. 🙂

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