Need to set page instead of pop up modal in details page of resource.
As I have added relation manager and set info list which open to popup, I need to set page for the same.
Please help for the same.
Thanks in advance!!

Solution:Jump to solution
You can either:
- Add custom page, e.g. ViewVariant and register route for it in your web route as Route::get('vairant/{record}', ViewVariant::class)
- Create VariantResource with
php artisan make:filament-resource --view Variant
In which scenario you take, hide the page (or, resource) from navigation and use its route in your action...11 Replies
You can create a custom page
and redirect via
recordUrl, Thanks a lot. I will try
@Leandro Ferreira
Where need to set custom page, In RelationManager or main resoruce page.
I havve product Resoruce and VariantsRelationManager
Need to set view on VariantsRelationManager's table, so

Need page for relation manager
You can either:
- Add custom page, e.g. ViewVariant and register route for it in your web route as Route::get('vairant/{record}', ViewVariant::class)
- Create VariantResource with
php artisan make:filament-resource --view Variant
In which scenario you take, hide the page (or, resource) from navigation and use its route in your actionOkay, Thanks. Will try
I have tried with this, but getting error
Add custom page, e.g. ViewVariant and register route for it in your web route as Route::get('vairant/{record}', ViewVariant::class)

Hey @MohamedSabil83
I have applied second way
"Create VariantResource with php artisan make:filament-resource --view Variant."
Which working fine
Thanks a lot
Glad I assist you