Null fields not working as expected

Hi all, I am using Drizzle ORM with Zod validation for useForm, and I am running into issues with fields that are allowed to be undefined / null, but I get Zod errors stating that the value of the optional fields (when left empty) are invalid_type and in required. I was able to fix this by refining the field as follows:
export const selectDeploymentSchema = createSelectSchema(deployments, {
city: (deployments) =>,
export const selectDeploymentSchema = createSelectSchema(deployments, {
city: (deployments) =>,
This allows the city field to be left blank, but by default, even though i didn't specify notNull() on that field, Zod would error out saying that the field is required. I am using Turso DB, so this is my schema:
export const deployments = sqliteTable("deployments", {
id: integer("id").primaryKey(),
organizationId: integer("organization_id")
.references(() =>,
name: text("name").notNull().unique(),
description: text("description"),
streetAddress: text("street_address"),
city: text("city"),
state: text("state"),
zip: text("zip"),
export const deployments = sqliteTable("deployments", {
id: integer("id").primaryKey(),
organizationId: integer("organization_id")
.references(() =>,
name: text("name").notNull().unique(),
description: text("description"),
streetAddress: text("street_address"),
city: text("city"),
state: text("state"),
zip: text("zip"),
Notice for all fields by the id, organizationId, and name, they are optional; however, Zod treats them as ZodNullable but they should in fact be treated as ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> to allow my fields to be empty (as is the intended affect).
1 Reply
Seifeddine  LARGAT
Hi , i'm having the same problem did you found a solution

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