What % of your income do you spend on clothes?

$1000-1500 (USD) is my baseline. If something major happens (i.e. weight loss, new job, or move to a totally different climate), I might spend double. But if I reach a point to where I already have everything I need in my wardrove, I could spend half.
24 Replies
rej10mo ago
I did a tally over the last 12 months and I think it was nearing the $5k mark
xmdot10mo ago
you got a warrant? (it's a lot -- oops)
sharloy10mo ago
Probably also around 5-6k 🥶
rej10mo ago
One caveat being that my spending tally includes 2 suit rentals + 1 suit purchase for wedding involvement over the past year. I've also basically gone up a size in nearly everything so a lot of practical spending as well as stuff I maybe didn't need
zacheadams10mo ago
looks like around $3k which I think is probably low-mid certainly spent it on far fewer garments in the last year
eggtart!10mo ago
like maybe 300 dollars average as an college student and that makes sense going forward
epistrophy10mo ago
Around $1.5k the last year, which included replacing a lot of clothes due to weight and style changes (saying goodbye to a lot of slim/skinny fit items). Hopefully next year will be more stable, less $
Carney10mo ago
it really varies for me and lately i haven't been spending as much as i have in prior years, but if i had to guess i'd say anywhere from $3-5k. i do some thrifting/reselling as a hobby, so my rule lately has been that i can only buy new stuff using profits from reselling things
william10mo ago
5-6k USD
Nayyyyy10mo ago
In GBP. Used to be a bit more around ~2018 but then mellowed out. Ususually just replace basics or splurge on 1-2 big purchases now. 2021: -£1,211 2022: -£898 2023: -£1,618
tratium10mo ago
This made me actually skim through and add it up and I’m at >$15k for the past year 😵‍💫
william10mo ago
you've encouraged me to spend more, thanks!
enterthelair10mo ago
I guess i can increase from $1500 to $3000 and still feel like im not overspending 😆 Ofc it all depends on context. Income, what you need ,etc
mewball10mo ago
yea it is an incredibly personal thing
Carney10mo ago
maybe a better question is what % of your income do you spend on clothes?
Skii10mo ago
Just tallied it up and it's £5k... just threw up a bit in my mouth
imbadatusernames10mo ago
kalvin10mo ago
wow the loss isn’t bad
raisinpie10mo ago
Like 90% of my disposable income. I really don't spend much money after I've covered my basic needs like rent and food, so I can afford to go a lil crazy I also don't make much so that's a smaller number than it sounds
mewball10mo ago
i recalculated and my number i forgot i splurged a lot this year because gender. average over the last 7 years is 3.5k, 6/7 of those years being in tech so i have a lot of disposable income. this includes me reselling and cycling clothes i no longer wear, which i do quite aggressively
raisinpie10mo ago
Yeah this is a tough question because a lot of people here cycle constantly which fucks with the math
mewball10mo ago
its an important way to sustain the hobby
Carney10mo ago
On the high end I'm at about 3% of gross, or around 11% if we're looking at 'disposable' (after taxes/mortgage/basic living expenses). Also counting resell profits (and other side gigs) as part of income If anyone is actually trying to do the math, I live in a hcol area so my mortgage/HOA alone is right about 50k/year 😢
enterthelair10mo ago
If your income fluctuates, I guess you do the average income and avg spending in the past few years I probably spend 6% of gross income but 20% of disposible income.