mfad2y ago

Jewelry & Accessories

I’m looking for jewelry and or accessories that works well with what I wear. I’d prefer something affordable and the only preference I have is if other people like them or not. Does anybody have any recommendations? Stuff that goes with this:
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7 Replies
MemphisOP2y ago
I guess I’m really just looking for stuff that is versatile rather than specific to specific clothing. Anything that looks good to whoever is fine with me
Guatemalean Toupee
I’d look around on Etsy or farmers markets/thrift stores for stuff you like I feel like there usually isn’t much matching that goes into outfits, rings and chains/necklaces are pretty basic and would go well with your outfits or any others
punchouli2y ago
sterling cuban link bracelet goes with anything
sly2y ago
yeah i dont see anything specific to go with with these fits. in a good way, because i think you can go any route and have it work. how about a watch? nothing crazy, like a timex marlin or something
MemphisOP2y ago
oh i meant it doesn’t have to be specific. generic stuff that’s just look good. maybe something you’ve got that would you may wanna tell me.
sly2y ago
then yeah i would suggest a watch since those can be worn in many occasions, or honestly a chain/necklace could work too! (tho im not well versed in those)
Carney2y ago
a watch is a good way to accessorize. for something like a bracelet or ring or necklace, personally i like pieces that have some kind of meaning to them. not that there's anything wrong with fashion pieces, but the things i wear that pretty much never get taken off are a cheap but custom made leather bracelet with my son's birthday engraved on it, and a necklace with pendants showing the moon phases on my two kids' birthdates. oh and also my wedding ring

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