Estimated usage seems way off
This project (1fccf7a5-79ac-494c-baad-16914606fd3f) is a pg database with a linked volume, it has been sleeping for a day.
Does sleeping interact weirdly with usage estimates?
12 Replies
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It also looks like the Disk usage is ignored in the subtotal at the bottom of the screenshot
Note: the estimated usage keeps rising, even though the db is sleeping
yeah that definitely doesn't look correct
It's at $17,70 right now, while still asleep
Looks like it increases by ~$0,50 an hour
Collapsed view shows Disk at 0, even though it isn't, probably due to sleep, and probably the cause of wrong subtotal
By the end of the month it'll estimate 360$, I hope this is only a UI bug 🥲
When the db woke up, the Usage estimate was back to normal, still something to investigate
@Ray something real funky is going on with the usage estimation
The db fell asleep again, but this time around the estimate seems correct, I'm not sure what went wrong the first time
Can you take another screenshot like this with the updated est usage ($360..ish)?
+ current cost
What’s the size of your db/volume?
Since the screenshot the db woke up and slept again, the issue went away, right now the estimate looks correct
db empty and volume 200mb/5000