Stable Open Brush .cfg

Does anyone have a stable .cfg file I can use on the Quest 2? I've tried changing several settings, but I'm not sure what everything does
11 Replies
andybak•17mo ago
What do you mean by "stable"? If yours is broken then you can just delete it and OB will assume the defaults. If you need to change something from the defaults then what do you want to change? I can help you with the format of the file.
BananaOP•17mo ago
I'd used the one from The Spacial Canvas Youtube channel, but that was for Tilt Brush PC version, I've been changing some stuff around and I don't know if I'm encountering bugs or that I changed something I shouldn't have. I'm trying to create a snap shot of my work and the image has a black bar on the top, see When I moved back the a blank .cfg file I got weird graphical glitches, so I didn't know if it would save the presets.
andybak•17mo ago
The syntax hasn't changed. If you go back to their version it should be fine. by "blank" what do you mean exactly?
BananaOP•17mo ago
"User": {
"Video": {
"Flags": {
"UnlockScale": true,
"Export": {
"User": {
"Video": {
"Flags": {
"UnlockScale": true,
"Export": {
"User": {
"Author": "mvaneijgen",
"Video": {
"Resolution": 2048,
"OfflineResolution": 1080,
"FPS": 30,
"OfflineFPS": 60,
"ContainerType": "mp4",
"CameraSmoothing": 0.87,
"Encoder": "h.264",
"SaveCameraPath": true,
"FOV": 65,
"Flags": {
"PostEffectsOnCapture" : false,
"ShowWatermark": false,
"ShowHeadset": true,
"ShowControllers": true,
"SnapshotWidth": 2732,
"SnapshotHeight": 2148,
"FOV": 70,
"DisableAudio": false,
"UnlockScale": true,
"Export": {
"ExportBinaryFbx": true,
"ExportFbxVersion": "FBX201400",
"User": {
"Author": "mvaneijgen",
"Video": {
"Resolution": 2048,
"OfflineResolution": 1080,
"FPS": 30,
"OfflineFPS": 60,
"ContainerType": "mp4",
"CameraSmoothing": 0.87,
"Encoder": "h.264",
"SaveCameraPath": true,
"FOV": 65,
"Flags": {
"PostEffectsOnCapture" : false,
"ShowWatermark": false,
"ShowHeadset": true,
"ShowControllers": true,
"SnapshotWidth": 2732,
"SnapshotHeight": 2148,
"FOV": 70,
"DisableAudio": false,
"UnlockScale": true,
"Export": {
"ExportBinaryFbx": true,
"ExportFbxVersion": "FBX201400",
andybak•17mo ago
ok. so the first one is nearly blank! there's UnlockScale but i get what you mean
BananaOP•17mo ago
Yes I know, but I didnt know if I should set each property to its default value or if setting it to nothing would revert it. So that made me wonder if there was a "this is best for Quest 2.cfg" file
BananaOP•17mo ago
I'm trying to create a snapshot of my work, but it isn't working.
No description
No description
andybak•17mo ago
We don't "remember" values from the config - so removing it entirely will reset to the defaults.
BananaOP•17mo ago
Well good to know when it is a bug 🙃 is discord the best place to report bug or better on GitHub?
BananaOP•17mo ago
I've add it to seems in line with that issue, but if you rather I make a new one let me know.

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