Wait on deployment in GitHub Actions before continuing
Hi everyone,
I am deploying my app via the CLI in a GitHub Actions workflow.
railway up
command completes almost instantly and returns a link to the build logs (regardless of whether or not --detach
is set).
Is there a way to wait for the actual deployment to conclude before moving on to the next step in the pipeline?
Ed12 Replies
Project ID:
you're calling the railway cli inside your github actions? any reason to do that?
We have previous steps in our pipeline (typecheck, test, deploy other services, etc.) before deploying our Railway app. Then we want to wait for the Railway deployment to conclude before continuing with further steps in the pipeline.
cant railway be set to wait for ci to finish?
That's what i was going to say, Check Suites
aka theres no need to run an action to deploy with the cli
Ok thanks, that looks good. So we could use Check Suites to wait for our previous CI steps in GitHub Actions before Railway deployment. AKA the "before" stage
But then once the Railway deployment is done, how would we continue with the rest of our pipeline? React to a webhook I guess?
after the deployment, whats left in the pipeline?
Deploy other services, not on Railway
Railway hosts our CMS. Once the CMS is deployed, we need to deploy our API, then frontend
ah cool, then yeah you would want to utilize railways webhooks for that
Ok, thanks. Will give it a go