Custom domains always errors with Inactive (Error)

I have custom domains setup and have 10x verified the DNS is correct. But no matter what the domain keeps coming up with Inactive (Error). Is there any debugging here? We're trying to launch and unsure what's wrong. I have verified the deployment is working fine.
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36 Replies
ianOP•2y ago
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ianOP•2y ago
ianOP•2y ago
it starts as verifying whenever I add anytihng and then it fails
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QuaqSim•2y ago
I'm seeing the same symptoms (Adding custom domain is blocked). If you check your audit log, do you also see "Pending to blocked" for those?
ianOP•2y ago
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ianOP•2y ago
ohhhh I have that feature turned on to alert when new SSL is generated is that the problem do I need to cycle SSL? weird, now its resolving to the old deploy even though all DNS is pointing at the pages deploy
QuaqSim•2y ago
Sadly I don't have any more insight but it seems like we might be suffering the same problem - though I haven't seen it resolving to the previous location, only Cloudflare's 522 error page
Chaika•2y ago
Your domain is That's not pointed at Cloudflare, it's pointed to Google DNS: 21600 IN NS 21600 IN NS 21600 IN NS 21600 IN NS
ianOP•2y ago
Just switched back. We were on CF but we're doing a marketing campaign and need to try and get this site online it seems to be bricked from some sort of cert generation error cant get back at this point so we're all in on CF now
Chaika•2y ago
Render itself uses CF for SaaS for Custom Domains, as does Pages, and only one Cf for SaaS config can be active for one hostname at a time. Adding Pages on CF DNS would most likely have invalidated your old render custom domain
ianOP•2y ago
yeah - seems to be related to that i had no idea would cause so much ruckus ive removed the domains on render and added the domain again on CF, plus Ive moved DNS over
Chaika•2y ago
and the CF Pages custom domain is still broken? There's an old tool we used to use to liberate people's domains, I would try removing it from Pages, using it (, and then giving it another go. Switching NS in the middle of this probably doesn't help things, if it's only partly propagated
Liberate the Hostname
Liberate the Hostname
Is your domain displaying old content from a previous provider? Use Liberate the Hostname to free your domain today! 3 easy, fast and automated steps.
Chaika•2y ago
If it was super urgent, you could also just use a worker to proxy requests to your, but you'd be paying for each request as a worker invocation, save for last resort I suppose
ianOP•2y ago
I dont think that'll solve the DNS issue will it? The worker proxy that is
Chaika•2y ago
Which DNS Issue? On I get a 522, it's Cf for SaaS/Pages rejecting it because it's not setup. With a worker bound to a route like* you could just proxy your directly, ex.
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
var incomingRequest = new URL(request.url);
incomingRequest.hostname = "";
return fetch(incomingRequest, request);
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
var incomingRequest = new URL(request.url);
incomingRequest.hostname = "";
return fetch(incomingRequest, request);
You'd be paying $0.50 per million requests (over the 10 million included) for bundled requests on paid plan, compared to the normal free static requests with Pages though
ianOP•2y ago
any ideas on how to flush CF and get the domain working with pages? that'd be ideal
Chaika•2y ago
Did you try what I suggested above with liberate the hostname? That would be how you do it. These days, when you remove the CNAME/go to modify it in your Cloudflare DNS, it should prompt you it's managed externally, and removing it should delete the custom hostname config, but if you switched between nameservers and have different records in each, I wouldn't be surpised if that confused/broke it
ianOP•2y ago
doesnt appear to have worked
Erisa•2y ago
The message it would be showing you if not for Pages hiding it behind its abstraction, is
The hostname is part of a banned domain. This web property cannot be added to Cloudflare at this time. If you are an Enterprise customer, please contact your Customer Success Manager. Otherwise, please email [email protected] with the name of the web property and a detailed explanation of your association with this web property.
I would recommend following those instructions
ianOP•2y ago
I am getting a bunch of HTML I've been chatting with them. They cant figure out why the SSL certificates keep erroring out its because hijacked the certs originally and now the system is totally bricked
Erisa•2y ago
chatting with who?
ianOP•2y ago
customer support manager like you said above
Erisa•2y ago
Success Manager?
ianOP•2y ago
certs are totally bricked
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Erisa•2y ago
Are you an Enterprise customer?
ianOP•2y ago
Erisa•2y ago
Then you wont have a Success Manager
ianOP•2y ago
ok whoever is on the cloudflare chat for my account
Erisa•2y ago
That would be a Support Engineer, same role as me
ianOP•2y ago
ah ok we cant seem to flush the ssl certs literally have never had issues with CF like this before always just sets domain up and youre done what should I do? we are running a big marketing campaifgn and we weve been down for an hour tried to move to CF thinking I would be adding a bunch of stability and uptime and ended uip taking the whole site down\ cant go back to render since they cant seem to generate certificates either do I need to move DNS off cloudflare? literally not sure what the fastest solution is here
Erisa•2y ago
Did you try adding the domain again after the resolution in related ticket 294544?
ianOP•2y ago
I have added and removed the domain probably 20 times now
Erisa•2y ago
have you in the last 10 minutes?
ianOP•2y ago
just doesnt seem to be resetting anything maybe once in the last 10? if you say it wont hurt anything Ill keep adding and removing i have no idea how your SSL cert generation works or if that'll end up hurting my chances
Erisa•2y ago
I was just peeking internally and saw that there was a blocking problem in a ticket which seemed it was resolved. At the end of the day, this should be handled in the support system since it involves account information, I'm out of hours at the moment so I can't help there. If you had a ticket or chat open already, I would recommend responding there to request more help.
ianOP•2y ago
ok - thanks, this started innocently but turned into full fledged ticket i'll go thru support for the remainder thanks for your help

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