Has anyone implemented Filamentv3 with tenancyfolaravel https://tenancyforlaravel.com/

I am trying to integrate the above package but I would want to know if someone has done it before
11 Replies
mackmilanβ€’2y ago
I have started this work yesterday, I've reached some initial issues but my app is running through tenancy multidatabase in all my panels later on I'll share my config here
ianclemenceβ€’2y ago
Could u please share your config
mackmilanβ€’2y ago
I'm creating a sample project and commiting to github and later I'll share the project here
i really can't play that
Thanks. Wating for it as well πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
Steelheartβ€’2y ago
One thing to be aware of is that depending on your use case you may not need to make Filament aware of the multi-tenant nature of your app at all. If you're using subdomains for tenancy identification you likely don't need to use the Filament tenancy options at all and it will keep things much simpler.
i really can't play that
Well, right now my multidatabase multinenancy is done by this method in Kernel.php public function bootstrap() { $host = request()->getHost(); $subdomain = explode('.', $host)[0]; $envFile = '.env.' . $subdomain; $envPath = base_path(); $envFilePath = $envPath . '/' . $envFile; if (!file_exists($envFilePath)) { abort(404, 'chyba'); } app()->loadEnvironmentFrom($envFile); parent::bootstrap(); } But I would like to try the package.
Argonβ€’2y ago
Waiting here as well!
Hegabovicβ€’17mo ago
waiting here as well too
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’17mo ago
I have a project running with Tenancy for Laravel
christmexβ€’17mo ago
it would be cool if you can help us to understand how that thing works πŸ™
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’17mo ago
It’s hard to help if everyone has different issues and I have no idea how far everyone got and what the issues are. I answered one related thread yesterday.

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