Railway11mo ago
The LS

Build->deploy Process suddenly broke

i feel like you guys changed the way your containers are structured and it broke my build->deploy process lol. anyone know what might be wrong with my docker file i wrote a year ago?:
FROM node:19-bullseye-slim
RUN mkdir app
COPY . ./app
WORKDIR ./app/
RUN yarn global add pnpm
RUN pnpm install --D (all my packages manually here yeah ik cringe right?)
RUN pnpm build
FROM node:19-bullseye-slim
RUN mkdir app
COPY . ./app
WORKDIR ./app/
RUN yarn global add pnpm
RUN pnpm install --D (all my packages manually here yeah ik cringe right?)
RUN pnpm build
8 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: N/A
The LS
The LS11mo ago
N/A Note to self: set workdir first
Brody11mo ago
does your code need node 19?
The LS
The LS11mo ago
Not that I can recall Also the problem is that during deploy I guess my packages aren't recognized
Brody11mo ago
im gonna have you try to deploy without a dockerfile
The LS
The LS11mo ago
I did that weird hacky copying/moving dirs because that was the only way everything worked at the time lol With a railway toml? When I build and serve locally it works just fine. Although I never tried doing docker locally
Brody11mo ago
with no config of any kind start fresh and see what happens
The LS
The LS11mo ago
Alright, will have to do that when I get back home