The LS
The LS
Created by The LS on 2/27/2024 in #✋|help
Easy question
What are the limitations of Railway replicas? Why would I use cloudflare instead?
12 replies
Created by The LS on 9/11/2023 in #✋|help
Build->deploy Process suddenly broke
i feel like you guys changed the way your containers are structured and it broke my build->deploy process lol. anyone know what might be wrong with my docker file i wrote a year ago?:
FROM node:19-bullseye-slim
RUN mkdir app
COPY . ./app
WORKDIR ./app/
RUN yarn global add pnpm
RUN pnpm install --D (all my packages manually here yeah ik cringe right?)
RUN pnpm build
FROM node:19-bullseye-slim
RUN mkdir app
COPY . ./app
WORKDIR ./app/
RUN yarn global add pnpm
RUN pnpm install --D (all my packages manually here yeah ik cringe right?)
RUN pnpm build
14 replies
Created by The LS on 7/13/2023 in #✋|help
HIPAA compliance
I'm involved in a HIPAA compliant app. I'm wondering if this is possible in railway: -Client and Server hosted on railway -DB hosted elsewhere (preferably railway) Ideally I'd like the DB hosted on railway but I'm not sure if this would meet the standards
6 replies
Created by The LS on 1/18/2023 in #✋|help
Disk space question
Let's say I have a shared monorepo and my build process for a service is like this: Given: -I'm using Docker -I only have one package.json in the entire repo: -I have multiple apps in this repo 1. At root install monorepo deps 2. At root, use deps from #1 to build the appropriate project 3. Deploy/Start the project Problem: Won't all these services repeat the bloat of the node_modules sitting at the monorepo root?
17 replies
Created by The LS on 1/3/2023 in #✋|help
Large Monorepo Disk Space question
If my team has a large monorepo and we're trying to deploy each project in its own service, isn't a lot of disk space going to be wasted?
4 replies