Table action modal not showing up on 1st click
Upgraded a site and had this issue on a resource in my filament panel. Only on my 2nd click do the action modal appear (this is on a resource table in a filament panel). Also cannot scroll up and down after that.
Is this a livewire v3 diffing issue (& hence i should i ask in livewire discord) or is it a filament v3 issue?

17 Replies
Same here. I also had an upgraded site, so I created one from scratch and I have the same behavior.
provide repo

it's fine for me locally so don't think provide a simple repo will work
It's only in staging and prod then have the issue. In v2 this issue didn't happen
are you using cloudflare or some cdn with minify or comment removing enabled
im using cloudflare yes
anything i need to change on cloudflare side?
here, find these and disable it
just curious what is changed in filament v3 to require this?
Probably you just didn’t aware of it. I had v2 app with the cloudflare settings enabled that giving issue
Because alpinejs morph relies on the comments it inject into the dom
Thank you i unchecked auto minify html in cloudflare and it worked again.
I left auto minify javascript & css on as it doesn't seem to affect anything
Had you cleared your cache? As turning off minify will delete the assets and regenerate them on load.
in my case, i don't use minify or cloudflare. just a plain livewire componet with a table builder
I'm having the same issue, when the page loads, the first click doesn't work, but after one click, there are no issues.
You haven't fun the fill method then?
Sorry couldn't understand, Could you repeat what you meant? Thank you.
there is a solution provided and it solved for the OP. you can try the same solution, if it doesnt help, create your own post and provide more info.
if the same solution doesn't work for you then its not the same issue.
Thank you for your response, I've already created a post but there was no response until yesterday, so tried my luck here