TextInput field copyable using hintAction
How can I make the TextInput copyable using a hintAction?
9 Replies
So far I have the following
Maybe you can take inspiration from the TextEntry component:
@.abishek did you end up getting this working? I have a similar need. havent jumped into it yet. Figured i would see if anyone else had solved it first
Not yet, had to move to other priorities, wasn't super critical, so just added to backlog.
Let me know if you get this working
Not ideal since a server call is made and the tooltip displays over the entire input, but it's a good start and it works!
@Flo this doesn't work. the quotes get escaped and cause an alpine/js error
Does your "$state" contain quotes?
its a string
@Flo finally figured out a simpler way to do this
Abishek R Srikaanth (@shakeofabiomen)
If you ever wanted to implement
copy to clipboard
functionality as an action on your @filament forms, here is a simple way to do it. #laravel #php #filament #Tips