Filament•2y ago

Creating and updating pivot table with attributes in the relationmanager

I created a IngredientsRelationManager inside the RecipeResource: i see the table fine and get the add new ingredient button and modal: for some reason it is creating a record in the Ingredients table instead of the pivot recipe_ingredient table. pivot relationships are Recipe Model: public function ingredients() { return $this->belongsToMany(Ingredient::class, 'recipe_ingredient', 'recipe_id', 'ingredient_id') ->withPivot('quantity', 'unit'); } Ingredients Model: public function recipes() { return $this->belongsToMany(Recipe::class, 'recipe_ingredient', 'recipe_id', 'ingredient_id') ->withPivot('quantity', 'unit'); } code: { protected static string $relationship = 'ingredients'; public function form(Form $form): Form { $ingredients = Ingredient::all()->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); return $form ->schema([ Forms\Components\Select::make('ingredient_id') ->placeholder('Select Ingredients') ->searchable() ->columnSpan(1) ->required() ->options($ingredients), Forms\Components\TextInput::make('quantity')->default(1), Forms\Components\TextInput::make('unit')->default('1'), ]); }
10 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivin•2y ago
for some reason it is creating a record in the Ingredients table instead of the pivot recipe_ingredient table.
Are you using AttachAction ?
coreOP•2y ago
Nope, simple pivot with attributes, it creates a new ingredient in the ingredients table and then inserts into the recipe_ingredient as well
coreOP•2y ago
Will dođź‘Ť great that is what I neededđź‘Ť , question how can I rename the "Attach/Detach" buttons/links? I tried like this :->headerActions([ // ... Tables\Actions\AttachAction::make('Add Ingredient') ->preloadRecordSelect() ->form(fn (AttachAction $action): array => [ $action ->getRecordSelect() ->placeholder('Select an Ingredient'), Forms\Components\TextInput::make('quantity')->required(), Forms\Components\TextInput::make('unit')->required()]), ])
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivin•2y ago
You can call ->label('My Label') on each action
coreOP•2y ago
gr8 thanks! what defines this modal button? "Attach & attach another"
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivin•2y ago
->attachAnother(false) if you want to disable
coreOP•2y ago
hi, I am trying to change the attachaction and add a function that works on the create/edit for recipe_ingredient, I tried using the Createaction :CreateAction::make() ->mutateFormDataUsing(function (array $data): array { $data['user_id'] = auth()->id(); return $data; }) according to the docs but it creates a new ingredient and doesnt affect the pivot table
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivin•2y ago
Did you configure withPivot() on your model relationships?

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