Can this be solved using only CSS?

I have a component that need to adapt its layout depending on the content it receives. In this example the layout changes depending on the amount of images: 1 image (in blue) 2 images (in yellow) 3 images (in green)
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16 Replies
roelof2y ago
Can be easily done the layout you drawn
vince2y ago
You'd need to give the rows explicit heights or give the images an explicit max-height for this to work. If you use fr for grid-template-rows, it'll fit each row height to the height of the largest image
Rägnar O'ock
Rägnar O'ock2y ago
you can make it work using a combination of the :has selector (to detect the number of images) and various grid-template configurations for each number of image
roelof2y ago
I was also thinking of using flex but I agree that grid is here better
Jochem2y ago
while you can do it, and :has has relatively decent support, you're already using javascript or some backend language to have either one, two, or three image tags. Why not also just have a class on the image wrapper element depending on how many there are?
Rägnar O'ock
Rägnar O'ock2y ago
That is a solution too
symiszOP2y ago
thanks for the suggestions. i've simplified it a bit by leaving out a layout when there is no image available: so the bottom left content will shuffle into the right here. i do think, i need javascript condition so solve this however.
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symiszOP2y ago
so far i know i can't use :has to change the complete grid style depending on the amount of siblings. that is not within the capabilities of what :has can do.
Jochem2y ago
you can change the grid-template-areas property on the parent, from something like "a" to "a b" to "a b" "a c" then on img:nth-child(1) you'd set grid-area: a, img:nth-child(2) you'd set grid-area: b, img:nth-child(3) you'd set grid-area: c
symiszOP2y ago
thank you for the suggestion, i'll try that tomorrow.
snxxwyy2y ago
just pitching in here from what i've seen 😅, you could give the container a max-height and use the fr units for the rows whilst give the images within those divs e.g. .grid-cell > img a height of 100%?
vince2y ago
Yup that would work, just styling preference. I typically would rather make the images or rows have a max-height than restrict the height of the entire container.
snxxwyy2y ago
ah yeah i can see how people could prefer that 😄
symiszOP2y ago
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symiszOP2y ago
i made some marginal progress, still need to make it adaptable to various data input. almost cracked it here, not sure what else i can do, next to make isolate 2nd sibling image to resize. i think i solved it. this almost seem to work for me: any idea how i can remove the extra padding gap here?
david_dedawn2y ago
First create a parent div with three rows, then use grid for each rows. Just take it step by step 🪜.

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