Filament11mo ago

unknown error when trying to access livewire data

I do this to access the livewire property and it throughts that error. any ideas? https://flareapp.io/share/x7KbObBP#debug ``php $updatedGroups = $this->mountedFormComponentActionData['groups']; ... $seatsPerGroup = collect($updatedGroups) ->map(fn($group) => $group['seats']) ->transform(function ($seatsGroups) { return collect($seatsGroups) ->transform(function ($group) { $bookingGroup = BookingGroup::find($group['booking_group_id']); return [ 'course_id' => $bookingGroup->course_id, 'seats' => $group['quantity'] ]; })->groupBy('course_id') ->flatten(1); })->flatten(1) ->groupBy('course_id') ->transform(function ($courses) { return $courses->sum('seats'); }); $this->emit('updateGroups',[$seatsPerGroup]);
Livewire encountered corrupt data when trying to hydrate the [filament.http.livewire.notifications] component. Ensure that the [name, id, data] of the Livewire component wasn't tampered with between requests. - The error occurred at http://gestio.lacultivadora.test/bookings/277/overview
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