Video not getting the full height

Hello, I have a video that needs to cover the full size of its parent but it is not happening and I don't understand why. Is there a CSS property that I can use to achieve that?
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11 Replies
Did you remove all default margin and padding? All widths and heights that I can see are at 100%, but some container at an outer level beyond what is shown here may have a fixed height that this parent is matching. That can give the parent a different aspect ratio from the video.
jgcastroOPβ€’2y ago
Thank you @chooking I carefully checked for the parents but I can't see a fixed height, I will try removing the margin and paddings and see what results I got
vinceβ€’2y ago tl;dr: add display: flex Not sure why this works, I guess the way flexbox calculates width/height
snxxwyyβ€’2y ago
@jgcastro if that hasn't fixed it try throwing a display: block; on there i feel you'd really only want to add a flex display to something that you'd utilize flex with?
vinceβ€’2y ago
This, forgot about this honestly πŸ˜‚
snxxwyyβ€’2y ago
no worries, most annoying thing about css is there's so much you forget half of it πŸ˜‚
jgcastroOPβ€’2y ago
Thank you all so much for your help, adding display: flex solve the issue but I am still not understand why πŸ€”
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snxxwyyβ€’2y ago
i'd recommend display: block; not display: flex;. You'd only want to use flex primarily for something you are utilizing flex with such as putting elements into rows etc etc. It works because an image element is initially display: inline; allowing other elements to sit next to it if there's space, this display property puts a gap underneath because it has a descender which is a small gap usually underneath text which reserves space for lower case characters such as g to hook under the line the text is on. display: block; takes away the descender.
jgcastroOPβ€’2y ago
oh wow now that make sense, thank you for the explanation. I tried display: block but did not work so I keep it with display: flex
snxxwyyβ€’2y ago
yeah no worries, glad it helped. alrighty.
nasti_25228β€’2y ago
You have two options: either set position absolute on the video and position relative on its parent, or you need to explicitly set a fixed height (in px or vh) on the parent so that the video knows height of what 100% is. There is one more hack to achieve this by using 'aspect-ratio' property instead of height on the parent and 'height:100%' on the video.

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