Grid scaling multiplier or slider
Grid scale defaults of .25 to 5 vary in usefulness depending on the current world scale.
would be nice to be able to multiply or factor in world scale to get a wider range of grids.
4 Replies
What ranges would you find useful? I'm trying to figure out the best UI widget for this that's not too confusing for simpler use cases.
Seems to vary a lot based on the current zoom. Maybe something like a "double" button?
Thinking about this in combination with the points raised here:
Maybe we need a widget that controls both the origin and rotation of the grid - and it's base scale.
Mirror widgets currently don't allow scaling but guides do.
Or maybe an entirely new widget type specific to grids. We should make it possible to snap grid, guide and mirror widgets together.
Interesting approach, might. be a good way to tie those things together coherently and might open up some interesting layout options in general