mfad2y ago

where to get chinos?

Looking for some fairly comfortable pants that'll be an anchor item so to speak. I don't like pants that are too low rising, and I love the look of old high rise pants but haven't worn them much. On a budget which I can stretch but I'm a little hesitant to spend a lot at this early stage, and I'd need to feel confident the item is worth it. And my experience is, everywhere I look in person - big brands, thrifts, etc - I can't find any pants of any category I try that fit me at all! I'm 〜35x32 (I think, I'll measure again later); I don't like blue jeans so I don't try them. Very hesitant to order online but idk, are there brands where that's more feasible? maybe this frustration just is how it is? If so thanks for hearing me vent about it 🤣
13 Replies
book2y ago
The website is really boomer coded but the pants Bills Khaki make are legit. High rise, deep pockets, heavy chino cloth with nice drape, big comfy fit A lot of Japanese brands do these pants. Orslow, Warehouse Co, Fullcount, Soundman, and Buzz Rickson will all have some variation on the military khaki chino
youngblood2y ago
Bill's, Stan Ray Gung Ho chinos, you can message both for specific measurements
book2y ago
The Japanese stuff is really nice but will cost you more. Stan Ray is a good call too
Benji2y ago
j crew classic relaxed fit chinos, I recently got a pleated pair of them on sale and they're great. Really feel like a perfect anchor item for me in my quest to build a beginner wardrobe. i've mainly only seen them at full price which is $98 but i'm keeping an eye out a bit longer for a sale. i've heard good things about RRL officer chinos, and I think those will be the second type of chino I pick up eventually (have seen them on sale for about $150)
femtoOP2y ago
thanks! I'll probably try to get to a J Crew, or two, that's oddly the one relevant big brand store I haven't made it to. get those if I'm satisfied trying them and maybe in the future I'll get something more interesting haha. but the other recs are also nice to have I'm not bothered by the branding being boomer or stuff like that, in general and I mean I'm looking for what's grandpa clothes to a lotta people ushimaruchuckle when it comes to stuff on the rougher looking side I've already got ideas but that's lower priority the Gung Ho chinos aren't on the website of Stan Ray itself, looks like?
Just A Manatee
Dang any other good brands that do really good chinos? I need to buy a couple pairs of chinos, but it looks like Bills doesn't do the smaller waist sizes lol
gimp2y ago
J Crew, Ralph Lauren, Todd Snyder... start there I think
mia wallace
mia wallace2y ago
I liked bonobos and Banana republic too
femtoOP2y ago
A lot of the problem is: it's hard finding stuff that fits (regardless of the waist size 34-36 some is notably too big some is too small); don't really want to order online Well not unless I can be more confident in the size. since J Crew costs this much already, maybe makes sense to at least think about the next level up. Which I guess these days means online for most of us?
tijelu2y ago
Depends where you're located of course. I'm not from the US myself but I've seen others say they wouldn't pay full retail price for J crew stuff. Maybe wait for a sale?
femtoOP2y ago
Yeah there will be Labor Day sales ig though I may have to buy online during that period, I'll see
gimp2y ago
J crew has sales. Go in store, find what's good, write down precise details, wait for sale
booktroll2y ago
I recently went through this and ended up settling on Spier and Mackay high rise chinos. They're not a super high rise but they seem well made and are affordable. I do intend to try out some of the nicer, higher rise brands out there.

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