C#11mo ago

❔ What is the best GUI system for C#?

Does anyone know a good lib that impliment a gui system?
30 Replies
Pobiega11mo ago
context? details? WPF and Avalonia are both good "GUI libs" if by that you mean you want to make desktop GUIs
MrScautHD11mo ago
I want to make game guis
Pobiega11mo ago
Then say that in your opening message. Include what game engine you are working with as well.
for desktop developement for games you have options: unity, godot, stride
MrScautHD11mo ago
For my own game engine Or should i do it my own
for your own engine you can try Silk.NET which is a binding to vulkan, opengl and blabla for C#
MrScautHD11mo ago
Im looking for a gui system For ingane Not for doing a window system
vulkan and opengl are gui systems
MrScautHD11mo ago
Yk what i mean A ui system
you either use a finished ui system or you make your own with bindings to low level systems
MrScautHD11mo ago
Ok 👌
and most common low level systems are vulkan, direct3d and opengl they have nothing to do with the window where silk.net makes a binding for it
Florian Voß
Florian Voß11mo ago
does Xamarin.Forms really provide a more stable developer experience than Maui? in what regard?
maui is on the edge of usability, its bugged as hell and maui is new..xamarin is old
Florian Voß
Florian Voß11mo ago
that I know really? the dotnet pro magazine where I have most of my information from said its very reliable now. They also said the core apis are finished and won't change in future
develop something with it then you will feel it 😛 i prefer WPF over maui
Florian Voß
Florian Voß11mo ago
I am develooping something right now with it (have only started few days a go to be fair) I am migrating our app from wpf to maui lol
would make more sense to migrate to avalonia
Florian Voß
Florian Voß11mo ago
avalonia doesnt suport mobile platforms I rather support mobile than linux We* wait I thought Avalonia does support mobile according to this pic it doesnt
avalonia is close to wpf allready and it doesnt care about the underlying system if you want to launch your app on your mobile phone then go for maui
Chamase11mo ago
So you mean UWP is not the best ?? for like 90% of case.. Because I work on UWP and I tought I will do my app in android studio as well with c# library for gain in time.... @joreyk Did you think I need to move to like MAUI for android and IOS compatibility ? (I tried xamarin with not a lot of good result)
maui is meant to be run on mobile devices
Chamase11mo ago
It is easy to move from UWP to maui or it's an other type of logic ?
sibber11mo ago
not really they're graphics apis i think they're asking for something like neosis but thats c++ obviously and I'm not aware of anything else, in not a game dev
Chamase11mo ago
(I'm not here for game dev btw)
Kiel11mo ago
@mrscauthd are you trying to make a GUI game, or you want to implement a GUI inside a game?
Kiel11mo ago
there's https://github.com/ImGuiNET/ImGui.NET which I believe allows you to draw a ui inside something else
GitHub - ImGuiNET/ImGui.NET: An ImGui wrapper for .NET.
An ImGui wrapper for .NET. Contribute to ImGuiNET/ImGui.NET development by creating an account on GitHub.
MrScautHD11mo ago
Well but this one is very messy
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