Querying Best Practices?

Just want to discuss query best practices.
const userAccount = await db.query.accounts.findFirst({
where: eq(accounts.id, userId),
with: {
activeProfile: {
with: {
savedShows: {
where: eq(myShows.id, input.id),
limit: 1, // Does using limit matter here? It should speed up query right?
const userAccount = await db.query.accounts.findFirst({
where: eq(accounts.id, userId),
with: {
activeProfile: {
with: {
savedShows: {
where: eq(myShows.id, input.id),
limit: 1, // Does using limit matter here? It should speed up query right?
And since I only need the nested relations
const userAccount = await db.query.accounts.findFirst({
columns: {}, // Would this matter? Does it speed up queries? It would transfer less data but is that all?
where: eq(accounts.id, userId),
with: {
activeProfile: {
with: {
savedShows: {
where: eq(myShows.id, input.id),
limit: 1,
const userAccount = await db.query.accounts.findFirst({
columns: {}, // Would this matter? Does it speed up queries? It would transfer less data but is that all?
where: eq(accounts.id, userId),
with: {
activeProfile: {
with: {
savedShows: {
where: eq(myShows.id, input.id),
limit: 1,
3 Replies
Andrii Sherman
not sure about limit 1, it may not speed up in cetrain cases, but even make ot worse for not selecting all columns - it will speed up a transfer time from database to a server
Luc Ledo
Luc LedoOP2y ago
how can limit can it worst?
Andrii Sherman
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21385555/postgresql-query-very-slow-with-limit-1 https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/a8615d56-7e9d-8362-e61e-114fa92f1c02%40enterprisedb.com a few links about this issue but seems like when you are using limit 1 on a high cost queries, query planner thinks, that finding just 1 row will be fast enough to do it directly without using any indexes/etc.

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