"Property type not supported in Livewire for property" when using custom casts

I have a json field on my model, where I use a custom class as a cast:
protected $casts = [
"hotel_texts" => HotelText::class,
protected $casts = [
"hotel_texts" => HotelText::class,
This fields contains only 3 properties and I am displaying the form like this:
This worked in v2 without any problems, now in v3 I get an error:
Property type not supported in Livewire for property: [{"field1":"..
Property type not supported in Livewire for property: [{"field1":"..
The HotelText implements the implements CastsAttributes, ArrayAccess interfaces. When changing the cast to array, it works as well. Any ideas to get around this?
7 Replies
josef2y ago
Encountered the same problem today with code I ported from v2, seems to be a livewire issue For now I just removed my custom casts
cheesegrits2y ago
Try making your custom cast class Wireable: https://livewire.laravel.com/docs/properties#wireables
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cheesegrits2y ago
You'll need to read the whole Properties page to understand what's happening and why LW doesn't understand your type, and you could consider using a Synthesizer, although that's probably overkill: https://livewire.laravel.com/docs/synthesizers
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cheesegrits2y ago
TL/DR, Livewire 3 needs to know how to convert any property to and from JSON. It has built in support for all the common datatypes, but if you need to wire.model a custom class, you need to make it Wireable, with toLivewire and fromLivewire methods, so LW knows what to do with it.
bernhardOP2y ago
Thanks. I implemented Wireable and now the form is showing, but on save I get
This synth doesn't support setting properties: Livewire\Features\SupportWireables\WireableSynth
This synth doesn't support setting properties: Livewire\Features\SupportWireables\WireableSynth
Its not an option for me, for now, since I have implmented some methods I use on the cast classes
cheesegrits2y ago
You may need a synthesizer. I would have thought simply making it wireable would work, but I'm still a little hazy on the difference. Synthesizers aren't hard, though, and are well documented.
bernhardOP2y ago

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