Does php artisan filament:install makes changed to the Database?

I have a production database linked to my v2 app. After calling php artisan filament:install as part of the v3 upgrade process will it make changes to the database or just to the file system?
3 Replies
pechtelt2y ago
I updated and as far as I know this was not the case with me, I don't know if you are using certain dependencies possibly this could be the case here. Would recommend though anyway not to update it on production also keeping in mind that Livewire V3 is still in beta.
StanProgOP2y ago
I will update it on the dev environment, but I don't have dev database, only production database that is used for both dev, staging & production. This is why I'm concerned. I don't want to break my live app by making DB changes that are irreversible.
awcodes2y ago
Filament doesn’t have anything to do with your database. But if you want to be sure you could duplicate your database, then do the upgrade on a separate branch of your app where you can change the env to connect to the copied database. If all goes well then you know you’re good to upgrade on your main branch.

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