Missing required parameter for edit route redirect after creation error

I created a model EmploymentAnnouncement:
class EmploymentAnnouncement extends Pivot { use HasFactory; protected $table = 'employment_announcements'; // primary key protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $fillable = [ 'user_id', 'date', 'title', 'file_name', ]; public function user() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'user_id', 'id', 'users'); } }
The migration:
public function up(): void { Schema::create('employment_announcements', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id(); $table->foreignId('user_id')->nullable()->constrained('users', 'id')->nullOnDelete(); $table->string('title'); $table->date('date'); $table->string('file_name'); $table->timestamps(); }); }
CreateEmploymentAnnouncement.php <?php namespace App\Filament\Resources\EmploymentAnnouncementResource\Pages; use Filament\Pages\Actions; use Filament\Resources\Pages\CreateRecord; use App\Filament\Resources\EmploymentAnnouncementResource; class CreateEmploymentAnnouncement extends CreateRecord { protected static string $resource = EmploymentAnnouncementResource::class; protected function mutateFormDataBeforeCreate(array $data): array { $data['user_id'] = auth()->id(); return $data; } }
If I create a new EmploymentAnnouncement from the admin panel, It is created but then at the redirect I get the error attached to this post.
Finally I found the answer to the problem thanks to @awcodes it was solved here https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/issues/7592#issuecomment-1671997859 Basically somehow the models were extending the wrong class (Pivot instead of Model)....
Missing required parameter for edit route redirect after creation e...
Package filament/filament Package Version ^2.0 Laravel Version ^10.10 Livewire Version No response PHP Version 8.2.6 Problem description After trying to create a model using the dashboard, the redi...
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27 Replies
toeknee2y ago
You haven’t created an edit page by the looks of it
2l30926048OP2y ago
I do have also an edit page <?php namespace App\Filament\Resources\EmploymentAnnouncementResource\Pages; use App\Filament\Resources\EmploymentAnnouncementResource; use Filament\Pages\Actions; use Filament\Resources\Pages\EditRecord; class EditEmploymentAnnouncement extends EditRecord { protected static string $resource = EmploymentAnnouncementResource::class; protected function getActions(): array { return [ Actions\DeleteAction::make(), ]; } }
toeknee2y ago
And that’s declared within the resource?
2l30926048OP2y ago
yes public static function getPages(): array { return [ 'index' => Pages\ListEmploymentAnnouncements::route('/'), 'create' => Pages\CreateEmploymentAnnouncement::route('/create'), 'edit' => Pages\EditEmploymentAnnouncement::route('/{record}/edit'), ]; }
toeknee2y ago
Yeah that looks good, so the edit employment route is looking for the record and it’s not being passed in. Really strange looking at the code it seems fine from plain text reading Did it definitely save?
2l30926048OP2y ago
yes.. it looks strange, I have other models which are very similar and those work, only with this one I have the issues.. Yes, it is saved
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira2y ago
what happens if you put this on the create page class protected function getRedirectUrl(): string { return $this->getResource()::getUrl('edit', ['record' => $this->record]); } ?
2l30926048OP2y ago
The first SS is a dump of $this->record, the second is the error that I get after the creation (from the redirect) with the new code applied.
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira2y ago
the attributes array is filled with the correct data that you expect? have you tried php artisan cache:clear and composer dumpautoload ?
2l30926048OP2y ago
protected $fillable = [ 'user_id', 'date', 'title', 'file_name', ]; yes Tested and the same..
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira2y ago
I mean in the dump SS if you expand the array "attributes" does it has the data that you put in the inputs?
2l30926048OP2y ago
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira2y ago
So the record object doesn't have the data of the recently created that you want to send to the edit page.
2l30926048OP2y ago
I guess so, the records are created in the db tho
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira2y ago
maybe some class is overriding your create class of that resource, maybe some mappings are wrong :/
2l30926048OP2y ago
Where should I look ? In the AppServiceProvider boot() this is what I have: /** * Bootstrap any application services. */ public function boot(): void { Filament::serving(function () { Filament::registerNavigationGroups([ NavigationGroup::make() ->label('Administration') ->icon('heroicon-s-library'), NavigationGroup::make() ->label('Content') ->icon('heroicon-s-pencil'), NavigationGroup::make() ->label('Settings') ->icon('heroicon-s-cog') ->collapsed(), ]); }); \RyanChandler\FilamentNavigation\Filament\Resources\NavigationResource::navigationGroup('Administration'); MediaLibrary::registerMediaInfoInformationUsing(function (array $information, MediaLibraryItem $mediaLibraryItem, MediaItemMeta $mediaItemMeta): array { return array_merge($information, [ 'ID' => $mediaLibraryItem->getKey(), 'Thumb conversion generated' => $mediaLibraryItem->getItem()->hasGeneratedConversion('thumb') ? 'Yes' : 'No', ]); }); MediaLibrary::registerMediaInfoFormFields(fn (array $schema): array => [ ...$schema, SpatieTagsInput::make('tags'), ]); FilamentNavigation::addItemType('Page Link', [ Select::make('page_id') ->searchable() ->options(function () { return Page::pluck('title', 'id'); }) ]); FilamentNavigation::addItemType('Document Link', [ Select::make('document_id') ->searchable() ->options(function () { return Document::pluck('name', 'id'); }) ]); }
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira2y ago
If you have other custom create classes I would begin with those and dd the save method if you have a repo link I can try to check it Just saw the DM, you can put link here cool, leave here the flow that I should take on the app, Ill check it when I finish dinner 🙂
2l30926048OP2y ago
Alright, thanks 1. php artisan make:filament-user 2. php artisan tinker $user = User::first(); $user->assignRole('super_admin'); 3. php artisan shield:generate --all 4. Head to /admin/employment-announcements/create 5. Create a new resource using some dummy data I'm hoping that you don't have any issues with the MediaLibraryPro package which is licensed...
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira2y ago
ok, I found the problem, the redirect method uses route model binding. But the method is called before persisting the data on the DB. If you try ['record' => '1'] (hard-coded) the error disappears
2l30926048OP2y ago
Alright but then why is this happening ? Theoretically it should redirect by default to the edit page after creation, right ? Also, I found that this issue I have on multiple models excepting one ("Page") but I couldn't find out why yet
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira2y ago
to me the buildings create is giving the same error thats very strange
2l30926048OP2y ago
The same to me, also other models like phones, news
2l30926048OP2y ago
For those who also want to reproduce the error locally I've made a simple public repo at: https://github.com/aflorea4/filament-missing-required-parameter-issue Setup: composer install php artisan key:generate php artisan migrate --seed php artisan serve Log in with: localhost:8000/admin [email protected] password Create a new EmploymentAnnouncement model from the admin panel.
GitHub - aflorea4/filament-missing-required-parameter-issue
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2l30926048OP2y ago
Missing required parameter for edit route redirect after creation e...
Package filament/filament Package Version ^2.0 Laravel Version ^10.10 Livewire Version No response PHP Version 8.2.6 Problem description After trying to create a model using the dashboard, the redi...
2l309260482y ago
Finally I found the answer to the problem thanks to @awcodes it was solved here https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/issues/7592#issuecomment-1671997859 Basically somehow the models were extending the wrong class (Pivot instead of Model). Thanks everyone.
Missing required parameter for edit route redirect after creation e...
Package filament/filament Package Version ^2.0 Laravel Version ^10.10 Livewire Version No response PHP Version 8.2.6 Problem description After trying to create a model using the dashboard, the redi...
Riken2y ago
I've got the same issue on a model called "Page", however I've checked it's extending model as expected - Missing required parameter for [Route: filament.resources.pages.edit] [URI: admin/pages/{record}/edit] [Missing parameter: record]. The page itself seems to work fine if I change it to be an optional parameter: 'edit' => Pages\EditPage::route('/{record?}/edit'), However no other resources have this issue
Stevee2y ago
can you share more detail about the solution ?

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