Add action button to form
I'd like to add an action button in the form of a resource. The idea is to use that action method to import details from a model upon clicking it.
I've tried
in a Section component which results in the following error:
in a Section component which results in the following error:
9 Replies
I think you need
for that
instead of Filament\Actions\Action
That was very helpful for me. Thanks! More and more how I must pass the record data to the called function to be used in any of my services/classes?
with $record
This is what I needed. Thanks. A very humble suggestion: if a likely example (with component paths) were added to docs it'll save much time to the very noobs as I'm. This product is awesome!
Please feel free to do a PR on the docs 🙂
Forms Docs - Independent Action button usage (improvement) · filame...
IMHO for absolutely noobs as I'm will be very time saving if this example were added to docs: ->schema([ \Filament\Forms\Components\Actions::make([ \Filament\Forms\Components\Actions\Action:...