How to use mask in TextInput

I've tried to follow the docs by using mask() and also inserting alpine mask script, but it doesnt work. Whats the correct way to set it up?
12 Replies
fikurimaxOP2y ago
I've used this but still doesnt work, its even accepting alphabet
->label("Phone number")
->mask('(+9) 999-9999-9999')
->placeholder('(+1) 999-9999-9999')
->label("Phone number")
->mask('(+9) 999-9999-9999')
->placeholder('(+1) 999-9999-9999')
fikurimaxOP2y ago
still doesn work I think there's something wrong with the installation because even using regex() or minValue for numeric text input is doesnt work
Yuut42y ago
try to remove the tel() and use only the mask
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
That’s what Shaung just suggested
Yuut42y ago
LOL I just read the link my bad I don't see anything wrong and in V3 it should work that way, the only thing that comes to mind that could have happened is having given the correct import or something like that
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
Shaung Bhone
Shaung Bhone2y ago
It's working for me.
Yuut42y ago
sometimes it can be the Textcolumn do no of the table already happened to me xD
Shaung Bhone
Shaung Bhone2y ago
Need the details of
doesn't work
fikurimaxOP2y ago
Thanks guys for responding. I've tried to removing the tel(), using mask() or even use regex(numbers only) but still accepting all characters, no masking. I also try to apply min/maxValue(10) paired with ->numeric(). but still can reach more than 10. Iam suspecting there's wrong with the installation because I also have used V3 mask before and work perfectly I'll try to delete the vendor and composer.lock
fikurimaxOP2y ago
Still occurs. Idk why, even when I use maxLength(13) it still accepts characters more than that For the context, Im using Wizard in a modal action
Yuut42y ago
i don't know if it will help but this is what i do in v2
->mask(fn (TextInput\Mask $mask) => $mask->pattern('+351 000000000'))
->placeholder(__('+000 000000000')),
->mask(fn (TextInput\Mask $mask) => $mask->pattern('+351 000000000'))
->placeholder(__('+000 000000000')),
in the code I don't know what could be causing this

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