NavigationGroups: two level?

Question 1: is it possible to add two levels of Navigation groups? (Rather multi level groups) E.g. Settings -> User Management --> Accounts --> Roles -> Locale Management --> Language --> Currency Question 2: what is the advantage of defining navigation groups in the panel config (service provider)? (Other than being able to associate an icon to the group & making it collapsible) We can already configure group in the resource. I have added the groups in the panel configuration, they don't appear in the sidebar. Why do we need to add the NavigationGroup in the panel config?
2 Replies
Mark Chaney
Mark Chaney2y ago
1) I dont think so 2) because its easier to manage in one place and when doing multiple panels, you might want to use the same resource for the same one and this gives you a bit more control per panel
Patrick Boivin
1) has been possible in v2, but needed some custom CSS to fix the alignment. I think it's been improved in v3. Did you run into any issues?

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