Have two different authentications

Hi there, I am creating a new system for one of my clients, and I am using Filament for the admin dashboard to manage everything. However, there will also be a user area where users can login. The users and admins are the same table, despite of the is_admin field that would be true or false. I am wondering if it is possible to have a second authentication aside of Filament. I installed Laravel UI (I know its deprecated, but it works), but when I try to login it just redirects back to the login page. Anyone already made something likes this, or does someone know where to start?
3 Replies
Saade2y ago
You can override the Login class and add your implementation. Each panel can have its own implementation, or you can make one implementation that suffices both. https://beta.filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/users#customizing-the-authentication-features
wyChoong2y ago
create Admin model with global scope to user.is_admin = true, configure laravel auth guard, then set panel ->authGuard('admin') ?
SergeOP2y ago
Allright, thanks. How would this be done in v2? Ah whatever, I will just upgrade to v3 anyways and then try it Thanks for the answers

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