How to Get the relation manager view in list page?
Basically i want to create a chat app (my app is based on rest apis)
there are mainly two models conversation and message i want to list the conversation page like the image i had provide and also add the respective chat box to be rendered as relation manager by side of that list. any body have some idea on this?

8 Replies
I think you'll have more flexibility in the end if you go with a custom page and some custom Livewire components
I want the chat list page to be rendered as table list and when somebody clicks on a particular list items the chat box should appear as its relation manager
I think I understand. I'm suggesting that you use custom Livewire components and the Filament Table component directly :
Is there no direct method to fix this using relation manager, such that when I click on a specific list record, the chat box should display as its relation manager?
Are you trying to display a custom component below the form? What does it mean to display a chat box as a relation manager?
I think you are trying to over complicate what filament is and shoehorn it into a use case that it was not intended for.
Also isn’t there already a pretty decent livewire chat app?
GitHub - munafio/chatify: Laravel's #1 one-to-one chatting system p...
Laravel's #1 one-to-one chatting system package, helps you add a complete real-time chatting system to your new/existing Laravel application with only one command. - GitHub - munafio/chatif...