Table Filter multiple columns

How can I append 2 values/fields in Select filter? Currently I can only append one field to my filter.
5 Replies
lazydogOP2y ago
I wan to appear first_name and last_name fields from db, but I can only appear first_name. May I know how can I do this?
->relationship('employee', 'first_name')
->relationship('employee', 'first_name')
JibayMcs2y ago
In your Employee model create a custom attribute to bind a full_name like this.
public function getFullnameAttribute() {
return "$this->first_name $this->last_name";
public function getFullnameAttribute() {
return "$this->first_name $this->last_name";
And call "full_name" in your relation ->relationship('employee', 'full_name') I don't remember, the case in the method name, but switch between getFullnameAttribute() and getFullNameAttribute, to create fullname or full_name custom attribute.
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese2y ago
The recommended way in the docs: If you'd like to customize the label of each option, maybe to be more descriptive, or to concatenate a first and last name, you should use a virtual column in your database migration: $table->string('full_name')->virtualAs('concat(first_name, \' \', last_name)'); Select::make('authorId') ->relationship('author', 'full_name')
lazydogOP2y ago
Thanks @kennethsese and @jibaymcs for your suggestion. I think, Archilex suggestion is better, working and I found it in docs .

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