Filamentβ€’12mo ago

wire:sortable callback has no effect in custom page

Hi guys, I created a custom Filament page. Inside, I have the following content :
<ul wire:sortable="updateTaskOrder">
@foreach ($items as $task)
<li wire:sortable.item="{{ $task->id }}" wire:key="task-{{ $task->id }}">
<h4 wire:sortable.handle>{{ $task->title }}</h4>
<button wire:click="removeTask({{ $task->id }})">Remove</button>
<ul wire:sortable="updateTaskOrder">
@foreach ($items as $task)
<li wire:sortable.item="{{ $task->id }}" wire:key="task-{{ $task->id }}">
<h4 wire:sortable.handle>{{ $task->title }}</h4>
<button wire:click="removeTask({{ $task->id }})">Remove</button>
However, the callback method passed to wire:sortable is NEVER called. I do not know why. Is it a problem with Filament livewire component?
6 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’12mo ago
Can you share the code of the Filament page?
JibayMcsβ€’12mo ago
<ul wire:sortable="$updateTaskOrder()"> ? <ul wire:sortable="$wire.updateTaskOrder()"> ?
Tritusβ€’12mo ago
None of these works :/ Yes of course :
class Planning extends Page
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';

protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.projects.planning';

protected static ?string $title = 'Custom Page Title';

public ?Project $project;

public $items = [];

protected static function shouldRegisterNavigation(): bool
return false;

public function mount(Project $project)
$this->project = $project;
self::$title = 'Edit planning for project ' . $project->name;
$this->items = $project->items()->orderBy('order')->get();

class Planning extends Page
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';

protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.projects.planning';

protected static ?string $title = 'Custom Page Title';

public ?Project $project;

public $items = [];

protected static function shouldRegisterNavigation(): bool
return false;

public function mount(Project $project)
$this->project = $project;
self::$title = 'Edit planning for project ' . $project->name;
$this->items = $project->items()->orderBy('order')->get();

Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’12mo ago
And where is updateTaskOrder() πŸ€”
Tritusβ€’12mo ago
Whether present or not, the result is the same. I have no error, no debug displayed, nothing :/ I finally came up with a solution after look at the code table.blade.php from filament package :
<ul wire:sortable wire:end.stop="updateTaskOrder($event.target.sortable.toArray())">
<ul wire:sortable wire:end.stop="updateTaskOrder($event.target.sortable.toArray())">
It's not as easy to use as the callback from wire:sortable, but it's the best solution I found
tesse05β€’7mo ago
any update? same issue