Chatwoot storage problem
Brody, good afternoon...
I'm having a problem in chatwoot, which I believe is related to something in the environment, and I would like to know if you can help me?
the texts and emojis of the conversations run normally, however attachments such as photos, documents and audio are not forwarded between the inbox (telegram) and chatwoot.
According to the deploy logs, apparently everything is correct, but calling the attachment links I don't have access to the content, for example, E53YjNOcGRHbHZia2tpUldGMGRHRmphRzFsYm5RN0lHWnBiR1Z1WVcxbFBTSm1hV3hsWHpFd0xuUjRkQ0k3SUdacGJHVnVZVzFsS2oxVlZFWXRPQ2NuWm1sc1pWOHhNQzUwZUhRR093W lVPaEZqYjI1MFpXNTBYM1I1Y0dWSklnOTBaWGgwTDNCc1lXbHVCanNHVkRvUmMyVnlkbWxqWlY5dVlXMWxPZ3BzYjJOaGJBPT0iLCJleHAiOiIyMDIzLTA3LTI2VDE5OjQzOjUyLjA0N1oiLCJw dXIiOiJibG9iX2tleSJ9fQ==--4426e1cac6b44b9d9700b90ba5dd5fc2a79e2bf1/file_10.txt
in what I found in chatwoot support everything is correct and properly configured.
Do you have any ideas or suggestions of what might be going on?
15 Replies
Project ID:
PS I have this same environment on digital ocean, with local storage, and the problem doesn't occur.
I will look into it when I have time
thank u
the domain
doesn't resolve to anything?and could you send me an equivalent url from your chatwoot service on digital ocean?
this is a blob, and not disk
and also redirect, they aren't really equivalent urls
I hope that's not a sensitive document
it is only for test
id like to start by apologizing for providing a broken template, thats my fault.
I was able to reproduce the issue you faced, with the cause being that attachments are stored in the worker's volume but the web service doesn't have access to the worker's volume so you would see the 404 error. railway only allows attaching one volume to one service, so to remedy this issue i have combined the web and worker services into one service.
to avoid confusion i have removed the old template and published a new one in its place.
Show!!, it works, thank u
again, sorry for the big mistake