mfad2y ago

Male Politicians Dress Like Crap. The Twitter Menswear Guy Is Here to Help.

21 Replies
rej2y ago
kstocks2y ago
Smiles2y ago
Alright, the article is just the bare minimum of how to wear formal clothes with a touch of political considerations lol
kstocks2y ago
IDK he gives Ron Desantis props for wearing fishing shirts
Smiles2y ago
I mean he basically says "think about your local political area when selecting casual clothes" This is also privilege dependent, i think hes touched on how minorities can't do casual in a lot of the same situations white people can because of prejudice from voters he even notes in the line which is all local clothing traditions for different politicians, except obama who still wore essentially bizcaz instead of true casualwear lol
awburkey2y ago
Derek is writing bullshit for politico instead of his blog? Ugh
zacheadams2y ago
My neighborhood tailor tinkered with the idea of becoming a reply guy and decided not to after this article. https://ezrapaul.com/blogs/news/is-roger-stone-really-that-stylish
Ezra Paul Clothing
Is Roger Stone Really That Stylish?
I regularly get requests to do write-ups on the attire of public figures. Lately, one person in general has dominated the request line – infamous political strategist and recently indicted peacock, Roger Stone. Stone has a penchant for flamboyance and flair seldom seen in the world of politics. One of his few peers in
zacheadams2y ago
Only room for one suit reply guy!
kstocks2y ago
To mention Desantis in a fashion article and not bring up the rain boots outfit is journalistic malpractice Ok is Ezra good? I haven't visited but have been on the fence
Whocault2y ago
There was a more interesting article about this in the FT from Robert Armstrong imo https://on.ft.com/3q6SCJb (like 3 of you will be able to read that link because of the paywall unfortunately)
Ron DeSantis’ presidential bid is floundering — and so are his clot...
In contrast to Donald Trump, the Florida governor’s attire rarely sends a clear message, and when it does, it tends to be the wrong one
Whocault2y ago
can copy and paste if people are interested
zacheadams2y ago
are you in DC? I live around the corner, I've got custom wool pants and an ocbd from him and it's great he's moving south of Dupont, next to Je Ne Sais Quoi
kstocks2y ago
Yup. Good to know!
zacheadams2y ago
his adjustments guy is pretty good too, though I was more a fan of his previous person who moved up to Mt. Pleasant (http://www.bestfittailor.com/)
kstocks2y ago
I appreciate this so much haha. I think I'll start with a shirt
egerz.12342y ago
When are the dress sneakers going to die?
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
I see Derek has met my old boss(es) Wish I hadn't nuked my old comment on Reddit about this and my experiences. Oh well.
Spuck2y ago
Everyone has bills to pay
braindrops2y ago
I think we should just do away with dress codes in Congress. Let them wear whatever is comfortable
Spuck2y ago
explicitly ban dress sneakers, put it in the constitution
braindrops2y ago
New law no shoes at all in congress everyone get them toes out.

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