Custom Domains limits

Does anyone know if the cap of 100/250/etc custom domains is a hard limit or can we pay per amount we go over? I see that Vercel has unlimited domains per project, so we may have to look into them but would rather stay on CF
4 Replies
Ricky U
Ricky U•2mo ago
Did you figure this out, im approaching the hard limit, but cant afford anything more then that.
tadhglewis•2mo ago
You could use Workers Static Assets and Cloudflare for SaaS Workers Static Assets (and open next) is replacing Pages anyway
Erisa•2mo ago
enterprise customers can pay to go to over the limit, don't think pro/business can but you can always try the limit request form or write a support ticket asking. switching to assets and saas like mentioned here is also an idea.
Google Docs
Cloudflare Developer Platform: Limit Increase Request Form
Want to increase the limits of your current plan? Let us know what your requirements are here.
Ricky U
Ricky U•2mo ago
Already submitted a support ticket lat week but still waiting for a reply... Can you tell me more about Workers Static Assets (open next) I have not heard anything about this and whaaaat do you mean cf pages are going away 😦 @tadhglewis - Could you tell me more how i can use that to offer more custom domains for my clients, we're not charging them for it and most of them are charities/ngo's. im not looking to circumvent the current restirction but if there was another way using a worker or seomthing else to add more / potentially unlimikted custom domainsk for my app

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