feature scheduling appointments
what can i do to make a feature scheduling appointments between technician and clients and as an output the layout should look like year book/xcel year book, something similar to the picture.

15 Replies
Maybe this? https://github.com/saade/filament-fullcalendar
GitHub - saade/filament-fullcalendar: The Most Popular JavaScript C...
The Most Popular JavaScript Calendar as a Filament Widget - GitHub - saade/filament-fullcalendar: The Most Popular JavaScript Calendar as a Filament Widget
is there any possibility to do it without calendar? @pboivin
Your example looks just like a calendar no? Or is it just the grid with the days of the week and hours you need?
yeah you can say so with grids

I think you need to do yourself to make some custom page, or a livewire component if you're not using the admin panel.
It seems possible to have those hour columns using the table builder, but not sure with day grouping
ok thanks for the information
@_noor25 Does it need to be editable or you just want to display information in a table?
for now just a information
Ok, cool. Have you tried with a simple
in HTML?is it possible to make my own design in which I can Display info scheduled and allow to schedule a ticket
with date and days
Sure, that's why I'm thinking about a
... you would be able to create what you have in your screenshot πokay thankyou π I'll try that
#fullcalendar has a lot of views, the one in the photo is called 'ResourceTimegrid'
take a look at the demos: https://fullcalendar.io/demos
and that one is called 'ResourceTimeline'
both exists in #fullcalendar but you need a paid subscription of FullcalendarJS to access them